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23 Apr 2024

Strategic Growth and Innovation: Velocity IT has been acquired by Core Technology Systems

We are excited to announce the acquisition of Velocity IT by Core Technology Systems (Core), a leading managed service provider in the UK IT Channel. This acquisition is a significant step in both Velocity…

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19 Sep 2023

How to use Low-Code to Transition away from Excel

As businesses evolve and demands for real-time collaboration, automation, and scalability increase, there arises a need to explore Excel alternatives that can handle more complex requirements.

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18 Sep 2023

The Advantages of Automation in the World of Insurance

Businesses are continually looking for ways to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experience. The insurance industry, often seen as traditional and slow to change, is not immune to this transformation. The integration…

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14 Sep 2023

Kickstarting Your HR Automation Journey

HR automation is a transformative approach that modernises human resources operations, allowing companies to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and make better strategic decisions.

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14 Sep 2023

Understanding Task Mining

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to optimise their processes and become more efficient. One emerging technology that has been making waves in this regard is Task Mining. But what exactly is Task Mining,…

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07 Sep 2023

Attended vs. Unattended RPA Robots: How Do I Choose What I Need?

RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, is rapidly revolutionising the way businesses operate. By deploying virtual bots to automate repetitive tasks, companies are achieving increased efficiency and accuracy. But when it comes to choosing between…

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06 Sep 2023

Transform Your Operations Using Ready-Made Nintex Automation Workflow Templates

Pre-packaged and already assembled Nintex Automation templates offer a powerful and efficient entry point into the world of process management, automation, and optimisation.

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05 Sep 2023

Transforming the Future of Insurance with AI-powered Automation

In recent years, the insurance industry has been undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies. These innovations are revolutionising how insurance companies operate, from customer…

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04 Sep 2023

What is Successful Digital Transformation?

With rapidly evolving technologies and consumer expectations, staying ahead of the curve is more than just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity for survival. At the heart of this evolution is digital transformation. But what…

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04 Sep 2023

Unlocking the Full Potential of Generative AI for Business Leaders

Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, has rapidly ascended in recent years. Unlike traditional algorithms that are designed to respond based on pre-defined inputs, generative models can produce entirely new content, from images…

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31 Aug 2023

AI vs. Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been an evolving field since its inception. From rule-based systems to deep learning, AI has undergone significant transitions. Among its latest milestones, the emergence of generative AI stands out.

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30 Aug 2023

Automation in HR: Revolutionising Talent Management

The world of Human Resources (HR) is undergoing a significant transformation. Driven by rapid technological advances, automation in HR has emerged as a pivotal factor in streamlining processes, enhancing candidate experience, and achieving business…

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29 Aug 2023

RPA vs. AI

With the surge of innovative technologies influencing the enterprise domain, two acronyms stand out: RPA and AI. Both Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer revolutionary prospects for businesses, but each possesses…

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28 Aug 2023

How To Digitise Application Forms

In today’s rapidly digitalising world, transforming traditional paper-based processes into digital formats is crucial for businesses. Among these processes, application forms stand out due to their widespread use across various industries. Leveraging low-code platforms…

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25 Aug 2023

Automation in Insurance

The insurance industry, once characterised by vast amounts of paperwork, manual processes, and long processing times, is undergoing a transformation. With the advent of technology and the need for streamlined processes, automation is increasingly…

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24 Aug 2023

The Power of Microsoft Power Automate in Workflow Automation

Efficiency and automation are more than buzzwords in today’s business environment. They are imperatives for businesses looking to remain competitive and agile.

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23 Aug 2023

A Guide to Low-Code Development

In the world of technology, efficiency is crucial. We all want solutions that are both quick to develop and adaptable to ever-changing needs. Enter low-code development, a modern approach that’s transforming the way businesses…

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22 Aug 2023

Upgrade Nintex for Office 365 to Nintex Automation Cloud: Frequently Asked Questions

As you need to upgrade from Nintex for Office 365 to the Nintex Automation Cloud, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to guide you through this required journey.

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21 Aug 2023

Top 10 Use Cases of RPA in HR in 2023

With the rapid advancement of digital technology, businesses are leveraging robotic process automation (RPA) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their HR departments.

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18 Aug 2023

Process Mapping: A Key to Successful Business Automation

In today’s business environment, the need for streamlined operations and improved productivity has never been more crucial. Business automation, through digitising and optimising processes, promises the realisation of these objectives. At the heart of…

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17 Aug 2023

A Quick Guide to Data Mining for Businesses

In the age of information overload, businesses are navigating a landscape flooded with data. Every interaction, transaction, and click generates a digital footprint that, when properly deciphered, holds the key to invaluable insights

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16 Aug 2023

Take RPA to the Next Level with Netcall Liberty RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is rapidly rising to the forefront of enterprise technology solutions. In the expansive digital age, RPA is no longer a novelty—it’s an essential tool. One RPA platform that stands out…

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15 Aug 2023

Top UiPath RPA Use Cases in Finance

The financial sector has been an early adopter of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). UiPath is one of the leaders in the RPA domain, and has made remarkable strides in introducing efficient, scalable, and reliable…

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14 Aug 2023

Using Nintex to Power your Business Automation Journey

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the pursuit of efficiency has been a constant driving force. As organisations grow and adapt to changing market dynamics, the challenge of managing intricate processes, reducing operational costs,…

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11 Aug 2023

Why Process Mapping is Key to Successful Business Process Automation

Businesses are continually seeking ways to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve productivity. Enter Business Process Automation (BPA) – a transformative approach that leverages software and applications to execute repetitive business tasks.

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10 Aug 2023

The Advantages of Low-Code Platforms

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, low-code platforms have emerged as a game-changing solution. Let’s explore the advantages of low-code platforms, and how they enable organisations to streamline development processes, enhance collaboration,…

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09 Aug 2023

Revolutionising Business Processes with Netcall Liberty Create

Agile and efficient business processes are essential for maintaining competitiveness. Businesses are continuously seeking tools that not only automate processes but also provide flexibility and scalability.

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08 Aug 2023

Streamlining Operations with Microsoft Power Automate

Organisations constantly search for tools to streamline operations and improve productivity. Enter Microsoft Power Automate – a service designed to automate workflows between apps and services. It bridges gaps between different software products, ensuring…

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07 Aug 2023

The Future of RPA: Trends and Predictions

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been a significant player in business transformation for several years. This transformative technology enables companies to automate mundane, rules-based business processes, allowing employees to focus more on strategic tasks…

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04 Aug 2023

RPA and UiPath: A Match Made for Business Efficiency

As we tread deeper into the digital age, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a leading force driving business efficiency and productivity.

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03 Aug 2023

Data Mining: The Secret Weapon for Business Growth

Data mining, in essence, is the process of identifying patterns in large datasets using sophisticated algorithms.

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02 Aug 2023

UiPath and the Future of Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a transformative force that is reshaping how businesses operate, and at the forefront of this RPA revolution is UiPath

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01 Aug 2023

Process Mapping: A Crucial Step in Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation (BPA) has become a crucial tool for achieving operational efficiency and improved business performance.

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31 Jul 2023

AI is Adding Value in the Business Process Automation Landscape

Business Process Automation (BPA) is a pivotal component of modern enterprise operations. This technology aids in streamlining and automating routine tasks, thereby increasing productivity, improving accuracy, and freeing up valuable time for employees to…

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28 Jul 2023

The Rise of RPA: How Automation is Transforming Businesses

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to the use of software robots or ‘bots’ to automate routine, rule-based tasks. It is a powerful tool that emulates human interactions with digital systems and automates processes without…

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27 Jul 2023

The Increasing Importance of Low-Code Platforms in Today’s Digital Age

The dawn of the digital age has irreversibly changed our lives. From the way we communicate, shop, learn, work, and relax, everything now spins around digital platforms.

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26 Jul 2023

Why Mendix is a Top Choice for Enterprise Low-Code Development

The low-code movement has made waves by promising a new paradigm that simplifies the development process and accelerates digital transformation. One of the top platforms leading this revolution is Mendix.

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25 Jul 2023

Exploring the Synergy Between Data Mining and Process Automation

The world today stands on the threshold of a profound data revolution, driven by the explosive growth in digital connectivity and the increasingly ubiquitous nature of technology.

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24 Jul 2023

Why AI and RPA are the Dynamic Duo of Business Process Automation

AI has been making headlines recently, rapidly gaining momentum and sparking curiosity about its capabilities. The idea of computers working for us and emulating human intelligence but in a more efficient manner is captivating.

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20 Jul 2023

Business Process Automation: Challenges, Solutions, and the Role of RPA, Low-Code, and AI Technologies

Business Process Automation stands as a critical pillar of operational efficiency and innovation, and the roles of Robotic Process Automation, low-code platforms, and Artificial Intelligence in unlocking its full potential are simply indispensable

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19 Jul 2023

How Mendix is Accelerating Digital Transformation, and Mendix Partner Velocity IT Ensures Project Success

Mendix is a powerful catalyst for digital transformation, and with Velocity as a Mendix Partner, businesses can unlock unprecedented success in their transformation journeys

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18 Jul 2023

Driving Efficiency and Growth with UiPath Robotic Process Automation

The world of automation is evolving at an unparalleled pace, providing enterprises with innovative tools and techniques to digitise their operations, enhance efficiency, and bolster growth

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17 Jul 2023

Utilising Nintex K2 for Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA) has become a powerful tool that can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency.

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14 Jul 2023

The Art and Science of Process Mapping in Business

Understanding your processes is crucial to ensure efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and enhance performance. This is where the art and science of process mapping come into play.

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13 Jul 2023

Understanding Data Mining: The Backbone of Strategic Business Decisions

The era we live in is often called the information age, and for good reason. Never before have we been able to collect, store, and analyse so much data

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12 Jul 2023

Revolutionising HR Processes: Unleashing the Power of RPA and AI

The human resources (HR) department plays a vital role in any organisation, responsible for managing employees, ensuring compliance, and fostering a positive work environment. However, traditional HR processes often involve repetitive and time-consuming tasks…

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12 Jul 2023

Harnessing the Power of AI in Business Process Automation

The current era of technological innovation is providing unprecedented opportunities for businesses to transform their operations

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11 Jul 2023

Demystifying RPA: The Future of Business Process Automation

As the business landscape grows increasingly complex, organisations around the globe are turning to technology to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.

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10 Jul 2023

Unlocking Business Potential with Low-Code Platforms

The digital revolution is transforming industries at an unprecedented pace, compelling businesses of all sizes to harness the power of technology or risk being left behind.

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07 Jul 2023

Shaping the Future of Business Operations with AI, Low-Code, and RPA

Artificial Intelligence (AI), with its ability to mimic human intelligence, analyse complex data, and generate insights, has permeated multiple industries, driving a paradigm shift in the business landscape.

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06 Jul 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) FAQs

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the face of various industries, revolutionising the ways businesses operate and engage with their customers.

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05 Jul 2023

Revolutionising Workflow Management

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business technology, organisations are continuously seeking solutions to streamline operations, reduce overheads, and improve productivity.

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04 Jul 2023

Top Use Cases for ChatGPT

ChatGPT, powered by advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, has emerged as a versatile tool with numerous applications across various industries.

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04 Jul 2023

The Best Use Cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is no longer a buzzword but a transformative technology being widely adopted by organisations across the globe.

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30 Jun 2023

The Power of Artificial Intelligence for Business Growth

Unleash the transformative power of AI in your business, revolutionising operations, driving efficiency, and propelling growth to unprecedented heights.

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24 May 2023

Optimising Team Task Management through Business Process Automation and Low-Code Workflow Software

In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven business landscape, organisations face the challenge of managing tasks effectively and efficiently while maintaining a high degree of visibility and control.

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24 May 2023

Optimising Collaborative Idea Management: Fostering Innovation and Creativity through Business Process Automation

Innovation and creativity are crucial drivers of success in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. To cultivate an innovative culture, organisations must establish efficient and collaborative idea management processes.

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17 May 2023

Most Popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools in 2023

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has revolutionised the way businesses streamline their operations by automating repetitive tasks. RPA tools have become essential for organisations seeking to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance productivity. As we…

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17 May 2023

Optimising Project Management: Achieving Agility and Quality through Business Process Automation

Effective project management plays a vital role in the success of any organisation. As businesses strive to enhance their operational efficiency, they are turning to innovative technologies such as business process automation (BPA), low-code…

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16 May 2023

Automating Email Processing with UiPath – Extracting PDF Attachments, OCR, and Data Entry into Excel using UiPath

In today’s digital age, processing large volumes of emails and extracting crucial information can be time-consuming and error-prone. With the help of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools like UiPath, this task can be automated,…

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15 May 2023

Streamlining Data Collection and Consolidation using UiPath and Excel

In today’s data-driven world, organisations often deal with numerous Excel spreadsheets scattered across different sources. Combining and consolidating data from multiple Excel sources can be a tedious and error-prone task if done manually. Fortunately,…

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15 May 2023

Business Process Orchestration: Streamlining Operations for Enhanced Efficiency

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organisations strive to optimise their operations, reduce manual tasks, and enhance overall efficiency. Business process orchestration emerges as a powerful solution to achieve these goals. We will delve into…

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15 May 2023

How to Identify Business Process Bottlenecks

Efficiency and productivity are crucial elements for any organisation aiming to achieve success. In order to optimise processes and improve overall business performance, it is essential to identify and address business process bottlenecks. A…

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03 May 2023

Top use cases for process automation in the insurance industry

Automation can bring numerous benefits to the insurance sector by streamlining processes, reducing manual work, improving accuracy, and enhancing customer experiences. There are several areas within the insurance industry where automation can be applied…

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10 Mar 2023

Revolutionising Business Communication: How Conversational Apps Like Druid AI are Transforming Operations

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s crucial to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. That’s where conversational business applications like Druid AI come in. Druid AI is a…

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03 Feb 2023

Citizen Development: Driving Improved Practice and Faster Processes

Citizen development refers to the practice of empowering non-technical employees to create, modify and customise applications to meet specific business needs. This approach is transforming the way organisations work by enabling faster and more…

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30 Jan 2023

ATS Euromaster achieve Netcall App of the Year Win!

It was great to see ATSEuromaster recognised in the 2023 Netcall APP of the Year awards, with a win for their business eCAF APP – ATS Euromaster embarked upon the digital transformation of their end to end customer…

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27 Jan 2023

Great News: K2 has a bright future!

Great news for all K2 platform users, partners, and advocates as news officially hit the inbox today! Process automation and workflow software giant, Nintex, has announced that the future of the K2 platform is…

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25 Jan 2023

10 steps to take when implementing a successful RPA programme.

Implementing a successful RPA (Robotic Process Automation) program can help a business increase efficiency and reduce errors. RPA involves using software robots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans….

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24 Jan 2023

Citizen Development deep dive Feat. Enate, Smart Automation & Gobeyond

Welcome to another episode of the process and automation podcast from the Automation Guys. Today Sascha and Arno host a deep dive panel discussion on the topic of Citizen Development, joined by industry specialists…

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09 Jan 2023

Simple answers to critical questions on case management solutions, integration and analytics

As we’re always looking to make automation simpler, we’re working on clarifying some of the more confusing tech terms that you come across in the automation landscape. In Part 1, we focused on process…

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17 Jul 2022

Key questions on process mining, RPA, AI and chatbots answered

There are so many technology terms floating around today, it can be easy to confuse them and yourself! We have put together this guide to help you understand what process mining, robotic process automation…

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15 Jul 2022

The Automation Guys – an interview with Rob Crisp, UiPath

Join Sascha and Arno with another one of their industry interviews, as they talk all things RPA and automation with Rob Crisp, Account Executive at UiPath.

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20 Jun 2022

Conversational Business Applications With DRUID AI’s Irina Dochitu

In this episode The Automation Guys are joined by the amazing Irina Dochitu, Channel Alliance Director at DRUID AI to tap into the latest on Conversational Artificial Intelligence. DRUID AI is an AI-driven, no-code,…

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08 Jun 2022

Quick Guide to Low-Code

So many tech terms buzzing around but too little time to ? We are here to help. Low-code it is one of those deceptively simple terms that is not always easily understood outside of…

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12 May 2022

Let your people focus on what they do best. RPA can handle the rest.

With the tech that’s available today, it no longer makes sense for extraordinary people to spend time on ordinary tasks that could easily be automated. Yet, a recent UiPath survey found that office workers…

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02 May 2022

Is RPA Difficult To Learn?

It is now simple and easy to get started with RPA! In this episode, The Automation Guys discuss how to become proficient in the basics of RPA very quickly.

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12 Apr 2022

Employee-Driven Automation

In episode #53 of The Process & Automation podcast, The Automation guys discuss what they consider the most important factors that will ensure that democratisation of automation is a success.

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26 Mar 2022

How Process Mining Unlocks your Automation Potential

When you get automation right, you can dramatically improve productivity, performance and your customer experience. But what is the point of automating processes if you aren’t sure where your processes were going wrong in…

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16 Mar 2022

TAG Talk: Microsoft Power Automate Gartner…And Low-Code

After covering the low-code and no-code trends and technologies in previous episodes, The Automation guys discuss Microsoft Power Platform, what the Power Platform is and why business should give it a go.

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12 Mar 2022

How To Achieve Automation Excellence With Low Code this year

What is stopping you from achieving automation excellence? How to achieve automation excellence with low-code? We have the answers! Rating your business on a scale from 1 to 10 against these questions will help…

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21 Feb 2022

Build a Hyperautomation Centre of Excellence (CoE)

Instead of adopting Hyperautomation technologies in silos, we encourage our clients to take a cohesive, enterprise-wide approach. The establishment of a Hyperautomation Centre of Excellence (CoE) is the recommended way to embed hyperautomation deeply…

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12 Feb 2022

Hybrid Working And Process Automation in 2022

In this episode of The Process & Automation podcast, Arno and Sascha discuss the new so-called hybrid model of working and the benefits automation can bring to a fragmented workforce.

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04 Feb 2022

Your Low-Code Checklist

Analysts predicted that by the end of 2021, 75% of development teams will be using low code platforms. Could 2022 be the year of low-code automation?

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26 Jan 2022

Make Chatbots Work For Your Business in 2022

Could 2022 be the year of the chatbot? In this episode of The Process and Automation podcast, The Automation Guys help you find out what chatbots can do for your business.

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13 Jan 2022

Skills For Automation Teams In 2022

In this episode of The Process & Automation podcast, Arno and Sascha explain why Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation and more automation skills are needed in every company in 2022.

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12 Dec 2021

2021 Christmas Special With The Automation Guys… Automation In 2022… Climate Change… Automation Is The Future!

In this Christmas special episode, The Automation Guys reflect on the past 12 months and discuss The Intelligent Automation Pillars – Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Process Mining, Robotic Process Automation, Low-code Automation, Digital Process Automation…

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09 Nov 2021

How to automate Your HR Department Processes

HR is a crictical function of any organisation, by taking charge of employee recruitment, onboarding, training, management, disputes and strategic business priorities, HR plays an essential role, to ensure resources or staff teams are…

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18 Oct 2021

The Future Of Intelligent Automation with Blue Prism’s Brad Hairston

Today the Automation Guys talk the future of intelligent automation with Brad Hairston, Advisory Alliance Director for Blue Prism – back in 2018 Brad’s desire to be part of something disruptive brought him to…

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15 Oct 2021

Process & automation news round-up

Catch a summary round-up of all of the latest news in the automation landscape; Appian, Blue Prism And Celonis.

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13 Oct 2021

The Automation Guys: Low-code best practice and pitfalls to avoid

In this episode the Automation Guys share the most common pitfalls from their experience in delivering from idea-to-application solutions using low-code technology, listen in and discover how you can be more agile with your…

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17 Sep 2021

The Automation Guys interview: Adriaan van Wyk & Dennis Parker on process enablement with new gen app, Jigx

This episode TAG interview former CEO/co-founder and SVP of Customer Success at K2 on enabling better processes and getting stuff done with a new generation of apps feat. Jigx. Find out more about Jigx: https://jigx.com/

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14 Sep 2021

August Automation News round up from The Automation Guys Feat. Nintex, Salesforce and more…

Automation platforms like Nintex, Appian & Salesforce continue enhancing their offerings to further streamline business processes workflows – all this and more in the August 2021 Intelligent Automation news roundup. Listen in for all…

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26 Aug 2021

The Microsoft Power Platform and AI Builder Episode with The Automation Guys

In this episode The Automation Guys cover the latest AI Builder capabilities from the Microsoft Power Platform and what it means to add intelligence to your automated processes.

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19 Aug 2021

What’s New: Process and Automation market news round-up

Today The Automation Guys look at the automation landscape for Low-code/no-code development; the new start ups and the ones to watch Feat. Bubble, Robocorp and More…

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12 Aug 2021

Intelligent Process Automation, AI and Machine Learning

In this episode we discuss Intelligent Process Automation, what it is and why it is important, how it differs from RPA and where it can enhance your automation efforts.

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22 Jul 2021

Everything Automation podcast round-up

In this episode of the Process and Automation podcast The Automation Guys thought it’d be a good time to pause and reflect back on the 35 episodes to date, rounding up #EverythingAutomation.

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16 Jul 2021

Fast Track to CX & UX Excellence at Pace using Low-Code

How to fast-track Customer and User Experience in your business with the power of low-code automation? Learn more in this episode.

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14 Jul 2021

Getting Started With Process Mapping

Are you ready to get started with your Process Automation intiatives, but not sure on where to begin?

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29 Jun 2021

Velocity partner with Conversational AI Global Leader DRUID

We are delighted to announce our recent partnership with leading Chatbot software firm DRUID which will further enable us to help our existing and prospective clients to get the most out of their artificial…

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21 Jun 2021

Nintex Senior Solution Engineer, Jake Dennison on Workflow Automation Best Practice

Best practice Workflow Automation from Nintex Senior Solution Engineer, Jake Dennison.

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14 Jun 2021

The Automation Guys Workflow Management 101 – Part 2

Here’s part 2 of the differences between BPM and workflow and why you need to know before you embark on your process automation and optimisation journey

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08 Jun 2021

The Automation Guys Workflow Management 101 – Part 1

The nature of the ever evolving tech stack can sometimes be baffling, so here The Automation Guys deliver a 101 on the differences between Workflow Management and BPM, what matters and why you should…

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04 Jun 2021

HR Automation with Tugela People

In this episode The Automation Guys are joined by Managing Director of Tugela People, Thomas Schilling to discuss all things HR automation.

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31 May 2021

Low Code Benefits With The Automation Guys

In this episode of  the Process and Automation podcast, The Automation Guys are discussing Low-Code. What are the benefits of low code automation and how to improve business agility? What operating at digital speed…

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26 May 2021

Low Code Vs Traditional App Development – Part 2

What are the cost benefits of Low-Code vs. Traditional App Development? In Part 2 of the 2-part episode of the Process and Automation podcast you will find out exactley this and why you should…

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25 May 2021

Low Code Vs Traditional App Development – Part 1

An interesting and much asked question in the world of process automation – in this episode The Automation Guys dive into the cost benefits of Low-Code vs. Traditional App Development?

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21 May 2021

More great RPA use cases from The Automation Guys

Due to increasing demand for RPA use case examples, this episode The Automation Guys bring you a selection of some of the best and most common Robotic Process Automation Use Cases.

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13 May 2021

Achieve Faster Chatbot Adoption with The Automation Guys

Listen in to this episode of The Automation Guys Podcast where they will share their insights and Top Tips for ensuring your Chatbot adoption is seamless and fast!

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11 May 2021

Intelligent Automation and Customer Success with Netcall’s Richard Farrell

In this episode of the podcast, The Automation Guys interview Richard Farell, Chief Innovation Officer at Netcall. The three talk about interesting use cases, the future of process and automation and Richard also shares…

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05 May 2021

How to Overcome Challenging Integrations

In this episode of the Process and Automation Podcast The Automation Guys focus on Integration and iPaaS as part of a wider automation initiative.

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03 May 2021

HR 4.0 How to Automate with Chatbots

Want to learn more about HR 4.0 and HR Automation? In this episode of the Process & Automation Podcast, the Automation Guys cover 20+ chatbot use cases that take Human Resources to the next…

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30 Apr 2021

The Automation Guys Top 5 use cases for Chatbots

The Automation Guys love to chat ‘Bots’, listen in as they give their insights on the Top 5 uses cases for chatbots and how these intelligent digital beings are enhancing CX and business effficiency…

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23 Apr 2021

How to use Chatbots for Customer Onboarding

Let’s talk Chatbots! In this episode The Automation Guys share their 5 steps to engage customers with personalised interactions usign AI-powered chatbots.

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23 Apr 2021

The Process Mining Q&A – Part 2

Here’s part 2 where you’ll find more answers to the most common process mining questions.

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22 Apr 2021

Rethinking the role of IT in a post-Brexit, post-COVID landscape

Digital technology has a central role to play in helping organisations across the UK manage the combined impact of Brexit and COVID. But how can the IT function keep up with demand, when innovation…

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21 Apr 2021

The Process Mining Q&A – Part 1

In today’s episode you’ll find answers to the most common questions that we get from companies, mainly asking if they could use process mining to gain insights into their operations and business processes. 

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14 Apr 2021

Get Started with Chatbots and Explore the Benefits – Part 2

Listen along to part 2 to find out how your business can benefit from Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots,hear the low-down on internal facing chatbots and how to improve efficiency.

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13 Apr 2021

Get Started with Chatbots and Explore the Benefits – Part 1

In this 2-parter you will discover how your business can benefit from AI chatbots to support and build a more efficient workforce and to improve the customer experience.

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12 Apr 2021

9 Perfect Use Cases for RPA Technology – Part 2

Here we go with part two with The Automation Guys as they continue to explore the most common use cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

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08 Apr 2021

9 Perfect Use Cases for RPA Technology

In this two-part Podcast The Automation Guys will cover off 9 examples of RPA in action and demonstrate how RPA has improved and enhanced capabilities in real-life scenarios.

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07 Apr 2021

Process Mining is the Key to Ensuring an Effective Approach to Automation

In this episode of The Automation Guys Podcast discover how to unlock your automation potential with Process Mining as the key.

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30 Mar 2021

Exploring views on Automation Capabilities

The Automation Guys give their view on a short selection of Automation perceptions, like “Automation may be a good thing but it can also be Frankenstein” listen along to hear how they respond to…

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26 Mar 2021

Let’s Talk About the Forrester Wave Q1 2021

Join The Automation Guys as they distill the Forrester Wave Q1 focusing on the most significant elements in relation to the top RPA vendors.

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15 Mar 2021

Top 5 RPA Mistakes to Avoid

With conservative estimates that RPA can achieve a 200% ROI in year one, many Executives are setting the bar to achieve this. In this latest podcast, The Automation Guys give their perspective on reality…

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10 Mar 2021

Put app development into hyperdrive with a Netcall Digital Factory

The time has come to take the brakes off your technology modernisation strategy. Rather than viewing digital transformation as a huge, long-term IT project, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks and set…

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03 Mar 2021

How to achieve an enterprise wide approach to Hyperautomation – Part 2

Join the Automation Guys for the 2nd part of how to take an enterprise wide approach to adopting hyperautomation and achieve a non-siloed, cohesive adoption of your automation technologies by implementing a Hyperautomation CoE.

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01 Mar 2021

How to achieve an enterprise wide approach to Hyperautomation

Join the Automation Guys as they take an enterprise wide approach to adopting hyperautomation in their latest podcast that focuses on how you can achieve a non-siloed, cohesive adoption of your automation technologies by…

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26 Feb 2021

AI, RPA, Low-Code and Intelligent Automation Q&A from The Automation Guys

In this episode The Automation Guys answer the top questions gathered from their podcast subscribers and Clubhouse followers; from why you should care about RPA through to discovering the difference between low-code and no-code…

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18 Feb 2021

Are you ready to combine the power of Nintex Botflows and Workflows?

Have you hit an automation wall? Are you looking to kick digital transformation into a higher gear this year? Read how you can tackle any business problem by uniting Nintex Workflow Automation and Nintex…

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16 Feb 2021

How to Leverage Low-Code to Stay Afloat & Sail Ahead in 2021

As part of the 5th Podcast from The Automation Guys Podcast, they will dive into low-code automation and how it can help business achieve success in 2021, listen along for the 7 top tips…

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15 Feb 2021

7 TOP TIPS: How to Leverage Low-Code to Stay Afloat & Sail Ahead in 2021

If you’re planning to cut costs, boost efficiency and run more processes digitally this year, low-code automation can provide you with the tools for success.

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12 Feb 2021

Getting started with RPA: From idea to go-live

In this episode of the everything automation podcast The Automation Guys talk about how to get started with RPA from the very beginning through to going live and beyond.

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10 Feb 2021

The 9 Steps for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Innovation

In this episode of The Automation Guys Podcast they identify 9 steps which lead to RPA success. Listen now to learn how to get started with Robotic Process Automation. 

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06 Feb 2021

Demystifying Hyperautomation – PART 2

In the second installment of this two part podcast The Automation Guys continue to talk about what’s hot in the world of ‘Hyperautomation’ kicking off with Process Mining.

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05 Feb 2021

Demystifying Hyperautomation – PART 1

In this episode of the podcast The Automation Guys talk about the new buzz word ‘Hyperautomation’ and go through what Hyperautomation is; Technologies, Benefits & Challenges.

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29 Jan 2021

Nintex How To: Create an Employee Leave Approval Workflow

In this blog, we learn how to create a leave the approval system using a Nintex workflow which automatically passes the request through a two-level approval from the Line Manager and then finally, the…

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08 Jan 2021

2021: The year to fast-track CX with low-code

In a socially distanced world, there’s no doubt that technology needs to play a larger role in your CX strategy. But how do you go digital when you simply don’t have the resources to…

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16 Dec 2020

Automate out of the slow lane

83% of businesses are now focused on digital innovation. In disrupting the world of work, the pandemic has triggered a tsunami of automation. Let’s look at how your organisation can harness technologies like RPA,…

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08 Oct 2020

Agile automation helps you plan ahead

While the crisis is far from over, many businesses are dusting themselves off and figuring out next steps as economic activity picks up. Right now – and perhaps for a long time to come…

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20 Sep 2020

Quick Guide to K2 Nexus: The next wave of low-code automation

K2 Nexus is the next generation of low-code business automation software from K2. This intelligent process automation platform and suite of solutions makes it even easier to automate and continually optimise every process in…

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19 Aug 2020

Digitise Your Processes and Re-connect your Workforce, Here’s How

The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted operations and stopped many business processes in their tracks. Now that people are struggling to access paper records and pass files from desk to desk, manual methods are defunct….

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08 Jul 2020

Move your digital transformation programme into the fast lane

While many companies were planning to digitise their processes at some point in the near future, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought digital transformation deadlines forward. A survey conducted in Europe found that around 70%…

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03 Jul 2020

Do you have the digital capabilities to navigate the challenges your business is facing?

Many businesses are realising that digital technology is a key component of a sound business continuity plan. It is also a driver of transformation – powering more efficient, flexible and innovative ways of working…

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03 Jul 2020

WHITEPAPER | How to Improve Efficiency and Flexibility of your IT Team

With the ever changing landscape does your business have the digital capabilities to solve the pressing challenges that it is faced with? During times of constant change, your company needs the agility to adapt…

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18 Jun 2020

GUIDE | How to Accelerate Digital Innovation During the Crisis

Inefficient or manual ways of working are simply no longer viable, or sustainable – to adapt to this ‘new working normal’, many organisations have shifted their IT strategies and priorities to address an urgent…

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17 Jun 2020

Build digital resilience with low-code technology

If there ever was a time to explore the benefits of low-code technology or stretch the value of an existing low-code investment – it is right now. Join the growing number of organisations who…

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09 Jun 2020

COVID-19, a catalyst for digital innovation? Here’s how low-code solutions can help

The COVID-19 pandemic has fragmented the workforce and interrupted critical processes in every function. While companies are under pressure to cut costs, optimise resources and build business resilience, many are also managing and supporting…

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10 Mar 2020

Build a strong remote workforce with the help of RPA

Working remotely doesn’t suit every role and industry. However, When applied to the right people and company cultures, this approach can offer multiple benefits to an organisation.

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28 Feb 2020

Liberty Create – Mathematical Calculation and Validation using Fragment Callback and Fragment Validators

There is no direct way in Liberty Create Build Studio where we can perform a calculation and validation using multiple fields on client side, and show total or compare values between fields as we change…

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28 Feb 2020

Highlight Edited Record on K2 List View

K2 does not provide out of box functionality to highlight an edited record on list view. Whenever you edit a record and save it K2 does not highlight the record you edited after a…

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14 Feb 2020

The Age of the Digital Worker Is Upon Us

The rapid pace of growth and development in the business software field has reached an inflection point. Innovative digital solutions are no longer only accessible to large corporations. Now, virtually any business can use…

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11 Feb 2020

#1 Getting Started with benchQA | Create Your First Project

benchQA is Velocity IT’s test automation tool developed exclusively to automatically test applicaitons built using the K2 low-code platform.  With over a decade of experience of working with delivering successful automation projects using K2,…

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10 Feb 2020

What’s the best software testing approach in the low-code application development environment?

Many enterprises want tools that enable them to build quality applications as rapidly and efficiently as possible. The right software testing approach not only reduces development cycle times, but also helps to ensure that…

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29 Jan 2020

Machine Learning (ML) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) FAQs

We’ve given you a rundown of the most frequently asked questions around RPA, which is a great solution when you are looking to hand-off repetitive process oriented tasks to robots to complete with speed…

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15 Jan 2020

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) FAQs

Now that you’re fully up-to-speed with low-code (if you want a recap, you can read our low-code FAQ here) it nicely leads us into the most frequently asked questions that we get to answer…

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14 Jan 2020

What will automation look like in 2020?

In this article, we unpack the concept of Hyperautomation and ask whether your organisation is ready for this new digital transformation strategy.

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07 Jan 2020

Low-Code FAQ

We’re often asked to break down the technical blurb associated with our industry, as like many others we are guilty of talking in our own language – in this blog we focus on the…

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13 Dec 2019

RPA Demo | Integrate and Automate Processes across Multiple Systems with a Simple, Powerful Alternative to API

Many businesses understand that RPA software robots can automate easily repeatable and definable tasks to reduce human error and achieve greater process speed and accuracy. What they may not realise, however, is that RPA…

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13 Dec 2019

Integrate and Automate Processes with a Simple, Powerful Alternative to API

Many businesses understand that RPA software robots can automate easily repeatable and definable tasks to reduce human error and achieve greater process speed and accuracy. What they may not realise, however, is that RPA…

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11 Dec 2019

Integrate and automate processes across multiple systems with a simple, powerful alternative to API

Many companies believe that process automation is a disruptive and expensive exercise. Here’s a way to leverage market-leading automation technologies without blowing your budget or losing existing software assets.

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03 Dec 2019

RPA DEMO | Enhance Your Workforce & Improve Customer Satisfaction

In this short session we’ll look into the underlying challenges these types of organisations are facing and share the 3 secrets to unlocking productivity plus we’ll explain the role that technology can play to solve a…

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03 Dec 2019

Enhance Your Workforce & Improve Customer Satisfaction

The Insurance and Financial Services sectors are by no means alone in their need to remain agile and adaptive in responding to customer’s service expectations, however, like many industries, they are being crippled by…

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15 Nov 2019

Process Automation Solutions – Part 2: A smarter way to put your unstructured data to work

Modern businesses operate in a data-driven environment. There’s a need to constantly access and process information and content that comes in from customers, suppliers, employees, potential business partners and other stakeholders.

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08 Nov 2019

RPA DEMO | Resource Saving Solution for Managing SharePoint Property Asset Manager

In this demo we show you how the manual task of extracting information from open-source Land Registry data is improved and streamlined through assigning a digital worker (RPA Bot) to the task.  You will…

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08 Nov 2019

Resource Saving Solution for Managing SharePoint Property Asset Manager

In this demo we show you how the manual task of extracting information from open-source Land Registry data is improved and streamlined through assigning a digital worker (RPA Bot) to the task.  You will…

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30 Oct 2019

UiPath RPA DEMO | A Quick Route to Video Production

The Demonstration shows a quick route to importing, combining and editing and then exporting finished video content to be published on YouTube using camtasia and You Tube, powered by UiPath RPA Robotics.

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09 Oct 2019

Process Automation Solutions – Part 1: An intelligent way to maximise your RPA intiatives

Robotic process automation has become a focus point in the global automation landscape. During 2018, RPA was the fastest-growing enterprise software segment internationally, according to research conducted by Gartner; with total RPA market revenue…

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30 Sep 2019

UiPath Custom Activity to Generate a SSRS Report

The UiPath Custom Activity in this demo will generate a report that is hosted in SSRS and save it with a specific name in a specific location. (The report will be saved in a…

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11 Sep 2019

GUIDE | Learn How to Scale Your Business Without Hiring More People

Imagine ramping up productivity to meet growing business demands but without increasing your headcount! This is possible with a strategically implemented robotic process automation (RPA) project. There are many reasons why robotic process automation…

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10 Sep 2019

A Rapid Approach to Digitising Your Forms and Transforming Your Processes

Conventional approaches to developing digital forms and process applications for business may give you the custom functionality and features you need, but these methods can also be slow and expensive. Low-code development is a…

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09 Sep 2019

Improving Supplier Due Diligence Process with Low-Code Digital Forms

Many organisations can associate with the manual process of on-boarding a new supplier – in this short demo we show you how easy it is to convert a conventional due-diligence process into an automated…

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07 Sep 2019

RPA DEMO | Automating a Customer Change of Address Process

Customer and supplier data is an ever-changing landscape, many organisations still operate critical data changes via a manual process whereby all or part of the accuracy and timely actions rely on a human worker…

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12 Aug 2019

RPA, a simple alternative to costly & complex API integrations

Many modern companies develop applications to manage and streamline their business processes. These applications need to communicate with existing line of business systems in order to access the data and functionality required to execute…

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27 Jun 2019

How to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Facial Recognition using UiPath

In this blog we use a facial recognition Artificial Intelligence cognitive service for recognising a human face for the purpose of identity verification. A typical scenario is an identity verification process when applying for…

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17 Jun 2019

Intelligent Automated Credit Application using UiPath & K2

We’re proud to share our UiPath and K2 award-winning automation for credit applications.  In this short video you’ll see how we have built a low-code workflow solution, powered by UiPath’s automation robotics, to reduce…

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25 May 2019

How to create an automatic updater for an application using .net

Most of the automatic updaters require a FTP connection to pull the updates from the server and push it to the clients. Sometimes this FTP might create some security threats for the server and…

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19 May 2019

Smarter Automation for Financial Services

The financial services industry has been using automation technologies for some time now, to remain efficient, profitable and relevant in a fast-evolving industry. Recently, however, there’s been a shift in focus from automating manual…

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19 May 2019

K2 5.3 New Release Features

Low-Code software experts K2 have announced the full extent of the new 5.3 release which came out during early May, our team of tech experts have been getting to grips with the numerous enhancements…

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17 May 2019

Automated PowerPoint Presentation using UiPath & K2 | Property Management

In this short video, we showcase how robotic process automation (RPA) can be used to replace a set of manual processes to deliver a professional Microsoft PowerPoint that dynamically presents a property portfolio for…

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15 May 2019

Win for Team Velocity at K2 & UiPath Hackathon

On May 15th team Velocity took part in the joint K2 UiPath Hackathon hosted at K2’s head office in Weybridge, UK.  The invite only event was attended by a guest list of select K2/UiPath…

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01 May 2019

Excel Export in Mendix

Exporting to Microsoft Excel is an important day-to-day requirement of many business users, however, in Mendix there is presently no out-of-the-box feature that allows you to directly export to an Excel file. This blog…

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23 Apr 2019

Is RPA the answer to Excel Hell?

Microsoft Excel is widely relied upon as a data management tool. Many teams and departments use spreadsheets on a daily basis to collect, organise, manipulate and model data for use across a broad range…

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How to use K2 Package and Deployment – Part 1

K2 Package and Deployment Deploying your K2 application is wrapped in a wizard type process but still gives you control to modify and change what and how certain objects within your application is deployed..

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28 Mar 2019

Custom Java Actions in Mendix

There is no direct way in Mendix where we can call Java code.  To include any custom Java code, we can use Java Actions.  This article will cover the steps on how to add…

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25 Mar 2019

Bots can deliver rapid results and immediate ROI

Digital transformation is a concept that’s constantly shifting shape. As new technologies are trialled, lessons are learned and businesses adapt their thinking, priorities are evolving. After research revealed that more than 50% of digital…

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18 Mar 2019

Exploring the benefits of Robotic Process Automation

Software Robotic Process Automation (or RPA for short) is used to automate every-day, rules-based tasks.  RPA solutions, often referred to as ‘bots’, can be configured to manage mundane business activities independently and in many cases, with…

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27 Feb 2019

Business-led digital transformation

Business optimisation through technology is a focus area for many organisations today. According to Brian Kropp, group vice president of Gartner’s HR practice, more than two-thirds of business leaders believe that their organisations could…

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26 Feb 2019

Configuring an Anonymous K2 SmartForms Runtime site

In K2, it is possible to create multiple runtime sites with different authentication types in the same server. In this article we will see how to create an anonymous K2 SmartForms Runtime site with…

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29 Jan 2019

Retain a K2 List View Page Number Using jQuery

K2 doesn’t provide out-of-the-box functionality to retain the list view page number after a list is refreshed. Whenever a user edits and saves a record on any given page, the user will then be…

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17 Jan 2019

WHITEPAPER | Low-Code for Digital Transformation – Survey Insights

Computing Research, in association with Mendix, surveyed 100 IT decision-makers in the UK, at companies ranging in size from 100 to 5000+ employees. The survey gauged approaches to digital transformation and identified the challenges…

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16 Jan 2019

How will 2018’s business optimisation trends evolve in 2019?

Disruptive market entrants, growing customer demands and advancing digital technologies all played their role in shaping the way that organisations optimised their operations during 2018.

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03 Dec 2018

Freeze K2 List View Header

How often do you view a list of data and find that the column headers disappear as you scroll?  This is often due to the list not having its column headers fixed and can…

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05 Nov 2018

K2 Partner Velocity IT Awarded Most Innovative Project 2018 By Technology Partner K2

Velocity IT awarded ‘Most Innovative Use of the K2 Platform 2018’ by low-code software vendor, K2. K2 hold an annual event to bring together K2 technology partners and their clients to celebrate excellence in…

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11 Sep 2018

Enabling Google Analytics in a K2 SmartForm

Adding Google Analytics in a K2 SmartForm is just as easy as enabling it on a conventional web application. This process can be further simplified when using a common view within the K2 application. 

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01 Jul 2018

The Role Of CIO Is Transforming: 4 Ways of Staying Relevant

Due to the speed of innovation in digital technology within business, the role of the CIO has seen numerous changes over the last couple of decades. Now, however, it is seeing a total transformation.

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01 Jul 2018

Why “I’m Not Technical” Is No Longer An Excuse

It’s a daily business dilemma in the era of digital transformation: modern software solutions can offer a whole world of possibilities with regards to streamlining processes, reducing inefficiency and boosting productivity, but the IT…

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28 Jun 2018

EBOOK | Executive Guide to Business Optimisation

The quickening pace of digital innovation and advances in computer processing power have a profound influence on the way that today’s leadership teams approach business optimisation. While business optimisation doesn’t only focus on technology,…

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19 Jun 2018

IoT or Big Brother? 5 concerns to consider before embarking on an IoT initiative

It’s estimated that there are already 23 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) in use worldwide, and it is estimated that the figure will swell to anywhere from 31 billion to…

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13 Jun 2018

Industrial déjà vu? How to automate without putting jobs at risk

Recent years have seen automation technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) being implemented across every industry. While this technology has many business benefits – such as boosting efficiency and productivity and saving costs –…

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07 Jun 2018

The Digital Transformation CIO vs CFO Battle Is Getting Easier

Since its inception over the last ten years, the process of digital transformation in a corporate sphere has been slowed somewhat due to the ongoing battle between the IT and finance departments. With CIOs…

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Velocity IT hosts RPA Breakfast Workshop to help London-based organisations get started with Robotic Process Automation

Last week Velocity IT, a digital technology services firm with offices in the UK, India and South Africa, hosted a morning workshop at the trendy Citizen M Hotel in London. The topic of the…

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31 May 2018

In the era of partnerships, which 2018 tech trends have powered business so far?

2018 has been marked by revelations that Cambridge Analytica used millions of Facebook users’ data to manipulate elections.[1] While Big Data has steadily grown more omnipresent in people’s lives, and concerns about privacy and…

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28 May 2018

Velocity IT joins the Silverstone Technology Cluster membership

Velocity IT, a digital technology services firm based in Milton Keynes, has recently become a member of the Silverstone Technology Cluster (STC), reinforcing its position as an innovative and collaborative organisation. With offices in…

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3 Reasons Why Your IT Department Resists RPA

In the age of digital optimisation, it’s no surprise that businesses are always on the lookout for ways to tighten up their operations, streamline processes and improve efficiency, both in terms of time and…

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18 May 2018

GUIDE | Upgrading to K2 Five – Why, How, When

How to upgrade to K2 Five In this Webinar, Roger Peacock from Velocity explains the why, how and when’s of a successful K2 Five upgrade.  Velocity has successfully upgraded K2 Five for numerous customers,…

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15 May 2018

Is Your Corporation Disruption-Ready?

Thanks to the proliferation of digital technology, many established corporations have been disrupted by start-ups who have embraced technology to gain a competitive edge. Giants such as Blockbuster – who had the opportunity to…

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07 May 2018

10 Steps to Business Optimisation from Velocity IT’s CEO

Business optimisation aims to streamline the individual processes within a company to achieve the same end results in a shorter space of time, using fewer resources, less financial outlay or minimising the occurrence of human error and bottlenecks. All…

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01 May 2018

WEBINAR | Demystifying RPA – What can bots do for my company?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), AI and machine learning is an ever-evolving topic and despite the masses of information available on the subject, many business leaders – even some of the more tech-savvy ones, have misconceptions…

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30 Apr 2018

RPA: An Existential Crisis or a Chance to Transform the Nature of Work?

There has been an explosion of automation technologies in every area of life and business over the last few years – and concurrently a shockwave of questions, fear and excitement, optimism and pessimism, about…

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23 Apr 2018

Hatching Plans with the Chicken-and-Egg of Machine Learning

Machine learning represents an exciting new opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to streamline operations, optimise customer experience and free up their human workforce for more profitable uses of their time. Unfortunately, the intricacies…

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23 Apr 2018

GUIDE | Before Unleashing The Bots

Automation can help organisations to optimise their resources while running leaner, more effective business processes. One such technology is Robotic Process Automation or RPA. This field of robotics operates virtually rather than physically –…

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IoT is transforming the business world – but strategy is the key to success

With a staggering 23 billion connected devices as of 2018 – 127 more every second – the Internet of Things (IoT) is seeing a rapid rise to prominence. IoT devices are increasingly being amalgamated…

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05 Apr 2018

Business Process Optimization – Where Near-Term Actions Converge with Long-Term Success

“Long-term success requires faith – faith that your efforts to plan and execute the process will lead to the desired outcome.” Tony Dungy, first African-American football coach to win the Super Bowl. Coach Dungy’s…

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05 Apr 2018

How to Dynamically Set Email Importance in K2

Dynamically Set Email Importance in K2 In some cases, we have a requirement to change the importance of an email based on custom conditions. Using the K2 email event wizard configuration, we can set…

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05 Apr 2018

ARTICLE | Let’s get real about RPA

Promoting process automation success – with or without bots Demand for robotic process automation (RPA) solutions continues to escalate. Research firm Forrester predicts that RPA market growth will reach USD 2.9 billion in 2021,…

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04 Apr 2018

Let’s Get Real About RPA

Demand for robotic process automation (RPA) solutions continues to escalate. Research firm Forrester predicts that RPA market growth will reach USD 2.9 billion in 2021, up from just USD 250 million in 2016.[1] But…

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Velocity IT helps financial services take on the bots by launching its first Fintech Breakfast Workshop on RPA

Velocity IT has organised its first edition of the Fintech Breakfast Workshop which aims to give delegates from insurance and financial services firms the opportunity to get their hands dirty with robotic process automation…

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RPA – It’s Not All About The Bots

Robotic process automation has been getting a lot of sensationalised media coverage lately with threats of mass unemployment making the headlines several times. The thing is, whilst it’s exciting to think of shiny robots…

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12 Mar 2018

WHITE PAPER | Beyond Bots

READ NOW Bots have been the focus point for attention-grabbing headlines in recent years, which have warned that the digital workforce could make roles redundant from the back office to the boardroom. Despite the…

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05 Mar 2018

Are You A Creative Or Strategic Thinker? Your Job Is Safe From AI – For Now

In a world marked by accelerating technological progression, it is no wonder there are split opinions about whether emerging technologies present an opportunity or a threat to society. Over the past decade alone, our…

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02 Mar 2018

Velocity IT Become Mendix Development Partners

Velocity IT has proudly announced their recently-forged partnership with Mendix. With this new partnership between the two companies, Velocity IT will participate at the ‘Mendix on tour’ event in London on Tuesday, March 13th,…

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01 Mar 2018

How To Create Toolbar Icons In K2 SmartForms

Toolbar button icons improve the usability of a system as they graphically prove a queue to the system user to perform system actions. In K2, generic toolbar buttons exist to describe an action which can be performed. Examples of these icons include; Add, Delete, Check In and Check…

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26 Feb 2018

7 Simple Ways To Take Your Small Business Digital

Running a small business can often mean you’re a ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ some days. You might be the designer, accountant, office manager, marketing exec and customer service advisor all before lunch-time. So, for you busy entrepreneurs…

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23 Feb 2018

My Company Is Only Small – Can I Afford RPA?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is an exciting opportunity, but as with any emerging technology, it’s easy to think it’s “probably too expensive” for companies on a tight budget. Rolling-out software bots across an enterprise,…

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20 Feb 2018

PODCAST | What Is RPA And How Is It Different From BPA?

OVERVIEW Gain a basic understanding of robotic process automation by looking into how business process automation can improve workflow. The basics of process automation How software bots enrich automation How to approach an RPA…

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15 Feb 2018

Thirty Percent Cheaper Insurance Products With Insurtech

It’s no secret that insurance companies globally are beginning to take digital technology, or more specifically insurtech more seriously. As a way of launching the industry into the digital future. Despite being ever so…

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15 Feb 2018

WHITE PAPER | Custom-Built Apps for Business Success

Business process management provides organisations with an opportunity to optimise resources and work smarter, making the enterprise leaner, more productive and more profitable. With 79% of companies saying that BPM is either significant (45%)…

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One-Minute Webinar | Scale Your Business With Business Process Automation

Want to scale your business with Business Process Automation but you’re not sure where to start? Watch the One-Minute Webinar and begin your BPA journey today.

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Three Steps to Process Automation Success

Business process automation has been on the cards for some time now. You know you need it. You know how it will impact your company, but you’re not quite sure how to go about…

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06 Feb 2018

Display User Friendly Error Messages in K2 SmartForms

When developing K2 SmartForms, most developers tend not to implement user friendly messages. In this blog, we will go through step-by-step how to implement error handling that results in a  user-friendly K2 error message…

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06 Feb 2018

Runtime CSS Styling in K2

K2 has a variety of styles that can be applied to controls and you can even go a step further and create your own custom theme for your K2 application. But in certain cases…

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06 Feb 2018

Dynamic Mini Calendar using K2 and SQL

K2 smartforms and the K2 community controls do not have a lightweight mini calendar control for the dynamic presentation of dates, in a colorful format.  For example, you might have a requirement to highlight a particular date, using a colour,…

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Why SmartForms make developers more productive

Worth a read – 90/10 rule here for configuration vs. custom development

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Velocity IT launches benchQA for smarter automated K2 testing

Velocity IT, a leading K2 partner, has launched its benchQA test automation software specifically designed and developed for the K2 platform. benchQA’s easy-to-use interface allows test analysis to rapidly assemble test scripts and cases…

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02 Feb 2018

Three Simple Ways Of Getting Started With BPA

So, you’ve started your own business and, so far, things have gone swimmingly well. Demand is increasing, and you’ve even got a small team. But resources are limited, and optimising time and making your…

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31 Jan 2018

WHITE PAPER | Enterprise-Wide Process Transformation

Many organisations are turning to business process management (BPM) and low-code automation platforms to connect people, systems and data across the enterprise, and digitally transform their business models. But in order for this technology to…

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29 Jan 2018

Will bots take your job or keep you in business?

Automation technologies help firms to optimise resources, elevate performance and maintain a competitive advantage. In industries where growing regulatory pressures, data volumes and customer expectations are a challenge, robotic process automation (RPA) can lighten the…

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29 Jan 2018

WEBINAR | Drive Down Costs With A K2 Centre Of Excellence

WEBINAR OVERVIEW A Centre of Excellence (CoE) provides a consistent way to turn people’s ideas and requirements into digital assets that help get work done faster.  The key is to establish a methodology that channels ideas…

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29 Jan 2018

GUIDE | K2 Solution Delivery Methodology

As an organisation powering process transformation on the K2 platform, a Centre of Excellence (CoE) enables you to gain maximum value from your technology investment. It also provides your people with the tools to contribute ideas, expertise and…

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29 Jan 2018

ARTICLE | Will Bots Take Your Job Or Keep You In Business?

Automation technologies help firms to optimise resources, elevate performance and maintain a competitive advantage. In industries where growing regulatory pressures, data volumes and customer expectations are a challenge, robotic process automation (RPA) can lighten…

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Time To Scale With Process Automation

How to grow a company without having to increase spending? That’s the question on many a small business owner’s mind. Traditionally, to scale a business, a decision will be made to hire more staff…

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09 Jan 2018

Keep Your Eyes On IIoT – Your Business Processes Will Thank You

Over the past year we’ve seen IoT reach its tentacles into different areas of our lives. From controlling our gas and electricity, to driving our vehicles. Despite the enormous consumer market success it has…

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22 Nov 2017

Using a Centre of Excellence to Promote Enterprise-Wide Digital Transformation

The modern business workforce is increasingly technologically aware and capable. Thanks to the high accessibility of smart and connected devices, many employees couldn’t imagine life without digital technology, both in the office and beyond. In…

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17 Nov 2017

Expand Customer Base With Custom Apps

Since their introduction almost 40 years ago, spreadsheets have played a vital role in allowing businesses to keep track of sales data and customer contact details. But despite spreadsheet packages like Excel and OpenOffice…

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03 Nov 2017

K2 Five And K2 Cloud Demo By Velocity IT | WEBINAR

It’s here! K2 has launched it’s next generation no- and low-code business application development platform K2 Five. Developing business apps using it is now <strong>even easier and faster than before.</strong> The K2 platform provides…

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30 Oct 2017

Three Ways Digital Technologies Enhance The Marketing Department

What is Digital Transformation and how can I apply it to my marketing activities? The truth is, Digital Transformation isn’t a “thing” you can plug in to your current marketing plan, nor a tool…

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30 Oct 2017

GUIDE | Power Digital Transformation With Low-Code Technology

Digital technologies provide scalable support for business activities across the business landscape and are key to powering enterprise-wide digital transformation.  Typically, these activities are those around sales & marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), product development…

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30 Oct 2017

WEBINAR | Improving Your Client Care Process

OVERVIEW Discover how easy it is to build apps that help you centralise and automate messy, paper-based processes and how business apps can help you: Exceed client expectations – with shared visibility of customer accounts…

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27 Oct 2017

GUIDE | How To Kick-Start Your Digital Transformation Journey

Over the last few decades, the internet has had a tremendous effect on our everyday lives.  Hardly an hour goes by when we are not reaching for our phones, tablets or laptop computers to…

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27 Oct 2017

WEBINAR | Kick-Start Your Digital Transformation Journey

Over the last few decades, the internet has had a tremendous effect on our everyday lives.  Hardly an hour goes by when we are not reaching for our phones, tablets or laptop computers to…

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12 Oct 2017

Mastering K2 Out of Office Delegation

Out of Office delegation is an extremely useful K2 feature that allows users to delegate tasks. When delegation is not configured correctly tasks can get lost, delegated users may not receive tasks or might…

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02 Oct 2017

Velocity IT unpacks the new K2 Five and K2 Cloud platform – and it’s very impressive!

It’s here!  K2’s next generation no- and low-code business application development platform K2 Five and K2 Cloud has been released, and developing business apps using it is now even easier and faster than before….

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25 Sep 2017

Processing Complex Repeating Data in K2 – Part 1 of 3: Data Analysis and Storage Design

In this blog we provide a solution for processing complex repeating data in K2, making use of K2s’ underlying workflow events and data types.   Our aim is to solve a real-life problem for…

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Velocity IT Hosts Digital Transformation Event In Partnership With K2

Yesterday Velocity IT, in collaboration with K2, hosted an exclusive event on the theme of digital transformation at the Soho Hotel in London. The afternoon was split into a series of talks by Velocity IT’s founder…

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14 Sep 2017

How to Remove Duplicate Email Addresses in a K2 Email Event

If you use a K2 SmartObject lookup for assigning email addresses dynamically in a K2 Email Event and the source returns duplicate addresses, these are displayed in the in the To/Cc fields of the…

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15 Aug 2017

Multi-User Impersonation in Automated K2 Tests Using BenchQA

In this blog, I will use multi-user impersonation in a BenchQA test case to test multi-user interaction with a K2 SmartForms application.  We will start by submitting a new leave request process using one…

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02 Aug 2017

How to Set Up and Use the Timer Control in K2

The K2 SmartForms Timer Control has but one function – to countdown a number of milliseconds and raise an event. This executes any K2 action including SmartForm and Workflow actions.

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05 Jul 2017

Asynchronous File Download from a K2 SmartForm

Downloading large data files from K2 SmartForms synchronously can sometimes cause performance and user experience issues.  This problem is not limited to K2 and this blog post will show you how to apply a…

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19 Jun 2017

Export Dynamic or User Defined Filtered Data From a K2 List View to EXCEL

K2 List View allows users to define custom filters to filter list data based on a user’s required filter criteria. The List View filter feature in K2 is called the User Filter and it…

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12 Jun 2017

Powering Digital Transformation Using the K2 Low-Code Platform

Digital technologies provide scalable support for business activities across the business landscape and are powering Digital Transformation. These are typically activities around Sales & Marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Product & Service Development and…

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Velocity IT launches benchQA for smarter automated K2 testing

Velocity IT, a leading K2 partner, has launched benchQA for automated K2 testing specifically designed and developed for the K2 platform. benchQA’s easy-to-use interface allows test analysis to rapidly assemble test scripts and cases…

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07 Jun 2017

How to Implement a Calendar-Based Worklist in K2

An alternative to the K2 worklist control is a web-based Calendar view to display a user’s tasks.  This Outlook-style calendar allows users, at a glance, to view tasks that are upcoming, due and overdue….

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22 May 2017

How to implement offline forms in K2

Offline forms in K2 provide a powerful capability to build forms that can be used for information management and workflow task processing while the user’s device is offline. A typical use case is to…

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15 May 2017

How to create a simple read-only dynamic HTML table in a K2 SmartForm

K2 ListViews are flexible and extremely feature rich, though in some instances, a simple read-only HTML table populated with database records will do. In this article we will show how to create a simple read-only…

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04 May 2017

Using Technology to Improve Customer Relationships

DELIVER A SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE Customers relationships are everything to all businesses. Consequently, when it comes to business process automation and on-going business process improvement initiatives, it is essential that customer satisfaction and loyalty…

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30 Mar 2017

How to create a REST Service Instance for K2 v4.7 using Swagger

Slowly but surely the world is moving to Cloud-based solutions.  In K2’s latest version, SourceCode added the REST Service Broker to the SmartObject Services Tester tool.  So, how do you create a REST Service…

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20 Feb 2017

Working with Velocity IT to Achieve K2 Success

WHAT DIFFERENTIATES US What makes us different from our competitors is our extensive experience in delivering Workflow and Business Process-Driven solutions using K2 products. We have been involved with K2 for over 15 years now…

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21 Jan 2017

Use K2 SmartObject Methods, Properties and Parameters in CODE using the K2 SmartObject Client API

In a previous blog we discussed accessing K2 SmartObjects and their methods as well as creating and starting workflows through code. In this blog we will show how to work with SmartObject parameters in…

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14 Jan 2017

How to use HighCharts controls in K2 SmartForms (with EXAMPLES)

In this article, we will learn about how to use the HighCharts controls in K2 SmartForms. HighCharts controls can be downloaded from the K2 Community site.

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12 Nov 2016

How to use the Plan per slot (No destination) in a K2 IPC to start multiple process instances

In this blog, we will show how to use the “Plan per slot (No destination)” feature in K2 to loop through a list of items and execute a set of events for each item…

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12 Nov 2016

Smarter Business Processes Improve Efficiency

HOW TO ACHIEVE SMARTER BUSINESS PROCESSES Business Process Management Software (BPMS) is required for Continuous Business Process Improvement to be achieved. This platform ensures maximum business process efficiency by enabling continual optimisation with minimal…

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11 Nov 2016

How to solve the Widget Error:Unable to get property ‘text’ of undefined or null reference in K2 SmartForms

I recently encountered a scenario on a very complicated SmartForm where, whenever I tried to add an ‘Execute another rule’ rule to my form, it presented me with this very weird error. It read…

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03 Nov 2016

How to avoid Rule Overloading when using Tabs in K2 SmartForms

Loading times play a significant part in every application and effectively managing a K2 SmartForm application’s loading time is not a straightforward task. Many factors contribute to slow performance, but, one of the most…

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25 Oct 2016

Automating Business Processes to Gain Competitive Edge

WHY AUTOMATE BUSINESS PROCESSES? The automation of business processes enables a company to work smarter and gain a competitive advantage over others in the industry. It gives them the ability to achieve optimum efficiency by coupling…

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16 Oct 2016

Example Custom JSON K2 Service Broker

Several people asked me how to implement a custom JSON Service Broker for K2.  There are a few examples out there, but this is a quick reference that will get you up and running….

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05 Oct 2016

Automate K2 SmartForms Testing – 5 Awesome benchQA for K2 Features

Velocity IT benchQA for K2 is a Test Automation Suite for K2 SmartForms that allows test analysts to easily create and execute test scripts that automate K2 SmartForms and Workflow testing.

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29 Sep 2016

Days turn into seconds with AppSprint for K2

Velocity IT has developed a revolutionary product called AppSprint for K2 that is disrupting the way we develop K2 Apps. AppSprint uses an ingenious way to quickly generate fully functional K2 Apps by simply…

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28 Sep 2016

How to connect K2 to Dynamics CRM Online

K2 communicates to Dynamics CRM Online using a K2 Service Broker.  There are a few steps to follow in order to connect K2 to CRM Online.

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23 Sep 2016

Dynamic Email Signatures in K2

This blog post illustrates how to embed an image and text structure as a template for email notifications in a K2 workflow process, providing a more professional look and feel.

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16 Sep 2016

How to generate a PDF file in K2 for a K2 SmartForm

Please note, before getting started, check-in the SmartForm will used to generate the PDF file for. To generate a PDF file in K2 for a K2 SmartForm, follow the following steps – 1. Select…

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03 Sep 2016

Using Azure SQL Server for your K2 Application Database

In a previous post we looked at how you can use Azure Blob storage as a file storage location and integrate that with your K2 application. In this post we will be looking at…

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03 Sep 2016

Insight is Everything – Measuring the Performance of Business Processes

GAINING INSIGHT INTO BUSINESS PROCESSES It is impossible to achieve optimum efficiency and to gain a competitive edge without insight. Businesses that wish to continuously improve need to be able to measure its processes’ performance….

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24 Aug 2016

How to debug a custom K2 Service Broker using a Visual Studio Breakpoint

K2 supports custom Service Brokers that allows K2 Developers to connect any data source with a K2 SmartObjects.  During the development process, debugging is useful to troubleshoot your service broker’s code.  In the blog…

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08 Aug 2016

How to use the K2 Worklist with the Data Fields and database columns using composite K2 SmartObjects

By using the K2 out-of-box worklist App or K2 SmartForm worklist control we generally can’t display K2 data fields and database column values in the K2 worklist, but we can develop a custom worklist…

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26 Jul 2016

How to use the K2 Workflow Client and K2 SmartObject Client APIs

K2 SmartObjects and K2 Workflows are not limited to only being accessed via K2 SmartForms and Workflows. By using the K2 SmartObject & Workflow API’s you can access SmartObjects and their methods as well…

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27 Jun 2016

Connect to SQL Azure using a custom K2 Service Broker

SQL azure k2 When you want to communicate with a SQL Azure database using K2, it can easily be achieved by following the steps below once you have an SQL Azure database in place –…

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20 Jun 2016

CSS Generic Handler in K2 Smartforms

Recently I had a request to change K2 Smartforms without changing the K2 theme. The K2 theme handles all the look and feel of the form, but the theme can’t be changed in runtime….

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17 Jun 2016

Create a Pdf from a Word document in K2 for SharePoint

Overview This blog post illustrates how to generate a custom solution in K2 to generate a Pdf from a Word document in SharePoint, without making use of 3rd party components. K2 provides the capability…

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10 Jun 2016

How to integrate jQuery with K2 SmartForms

Integration of JQuery with K2 Smartforms JQuery and other client side scripts can easily be integrated with K2 Smartforms through a K2 Smartforms control present in K2 control panel known as ‘HTML Literal’. Developer…

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06 Jun 2016

Passing parameters in URL using K2 workflow

Passing parameters in URL using K2 workflow When configuring a K2 Client event, K2 allows you to configure a form that is displayed when the user clicks on a worklist item.  Sometimes it’s required…

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31 May 2016

K2 SmartObject Properties vs Method Parameters

SmartObject Properties vs Method Parameters When assigning the method bindings of our new SmartObject method. The question is: When do we need to create and use SmartObject method parameters? And when do we need…

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14 Feb 2016

How to register and use the Excel Control for K2 SmartForms

K2 Smartforms Export to Excel In this article, we will learn about how to export the SmartObject data to an Excel spreadsheet using the K2 Excel custom control The Excel control can be downloaded from…

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08 Feb 2016

K2 Authentication With Server Failed : The password for this account has expired.

I recently had some issues with the following error (authentication with server failed), which manifested on all work flows being executed on a specific K2 BlackPearl server: Authentication With Server Failed : The password for this account has…

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31 Jan 2016

How to shrink the K2 Server database log file

It every so often happens that your K2 server’s performance slowly but surely grinds to a halt, and this is often due to the server running out of disk space. The first thing to…

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