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17 June 2016

Create a Pdf from a Word document in K2 for SharePoint


This blog post illustrates how to generate a custom solution in K2 to generate a Pdf from a Word document in SharePoint, without making use of 3rd party components.

K2 provides the capability to generate a Pdf out-of-the-box – but is limited to a web page by supplying its URL as well as a smart form. In order to generate a Pdf on the fly for a Word document within SharePoint, WAS or Word Automation Services is utilized to help solve this requirement.

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The components involved are:

  • Word Automation Services service application
  • SharePoint server-side object model custom code to access WAS
  • Web service to expose logic as public method
  • Custom K2 Service Type and Instance to medium web service
  • Custom K2 Smart Object to expose functionality in K2 context
  • K2 workflow process to apply functionality via Smart Object method call
  • SharePoint document library to host K2 workflow process and documents to generate Pdf’s for


The configuration involves:

  • Word Automation Service Application
  • Open Central Administration
  • In section Application Management, select option Manage Service Applications

css generic in k2 smartforms

  • On the ribbon bar, select the New drop down button and select option Word Automation Services

create a pdf from a word document in k2

  • Complete the wizard to create a new Word Automation Services service application by specifying a name, application pool, security account, database server and database as well as authentication type

SharePoint Authentication

  • Assign full control permission on the service application to the desired account, usually the SharePoint farm account using the Permissions ribbon bar button

Service Account

  • Web Service
  • Create a service of your choice e.g. WCF or ASMX to host the custom functionality
  • Add the required referencing assemblies for:


  • Add the required references from the assemblies to the service


  • Create a public method with necessary signature to accommodate a document location and details in SharePoint

Document Location

  • Add the code logic to access the Word Automation Services service application of SharePoint and document to be converted

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

Word Automation

  • Publish and host the service in your desired hosting software, e.g. IIS
  • Test the web service method

Word Automation

SharePoint Configuration

  • Create a document library to host the workflow and documents to be converted
  • Upload documents for testing purposes

Word Automation

  • Prep the new library for K2 integration by clicking on the Library ribbon bar link and selecting the Application button in the K2 category
  • Select the option to create smart objects

Custom K2 Service Type

  • Open the K2 SO Tester Tool
  • Create a new service type using the option Register Service Type on the top main menu bar

K2 Service Type

  • For field Service, select the appropriate option depending on the type of service that was created. In this case a ASMX web service was created, thus WebService broker service is selected
  • Specify a value for field System Name
  • Specify a value for field Display Name
  • Click on Add
  • Verify that the new custom service type was created

 Service Type Name

Custom K2 Service Instance

  • Open the K2 SO Tester Tool
  • Find and select the service type previously created Velocity IT Blogs K2 Services
  • Create a new service instance using the option Register Service Instance on the top main menu bar

Service Type Instance

  • For field Service Types, select the previous created service type
  • For field Authentication Mode, select your desired mode. This example used Static
  • For field User Name, provide the SharePoint farm account
  • For field Password, provide the SharePoint farm account password
  • For field WebService URL, provide the URL that points to the custom created web service
  • Click on Next

Service Type Instance

  • Specify a value for field System Name
  • Specify a value for field Display Name
  • Click on Add

Custom K2 Service Instance Smart Objects

  • Open the K2 SO Tester Tool
  • Find and select the service instance previously created Velocity IT Blogs K2 Services Instance
  • Create the necessary smart objects by selecting the previous create service instance, right click and select option Create SmartObjects

Generate SmartObjects

  • Accept all default selections and options and click on OK

Workflow Process

  • Open K2 Studio
  • Create a new default workflow process
  • Create new process data fields to accommodate the document in SharePoint as well as the name for the created Word Automation Services service application

K2 Datafields

  • Assign a default value to data field SourceSiteUrl, e.g. https://portal.denallix.com
  • Assign a default value to data field SourceLibraryName, e.g PDFs
  • Assign a default value to data field WasServerName, e.g Word Automation Services
  • Add a single activity to the process and provide a name for it, also connect it to the Start activity

K2 PDF Process

  • Integrate SharePoint to the process by adding a SharePoint 2013 Process Wizard to the Start activity

SharePoint Activity

  • Specify a values for the SharePoint 2013 Process Wizard, and click on Finish

SharePoint Wizard

  • Add a smart object event to the activity, and complete its wizard configuration

SmartObject Event

SmartObject Wizard

  • Map the smart object event to the method exposed on the custom service instance created previously, integrating with the custom web service

SmartObject Wizard

  • Map the input properties using the process data fields created previously

SmartObject Wizard

  • Map the service call result back to a process data field to interpret for next actions

SmartObject Wizard

  • Complete the wizard by click on Finish

SmartObject Wizard

  • Add an email notification event to the activity, and complete its wizard configuration

K2 Email Event

K2 Email Wizard

  • Provide the email settings configuration

K2 Email Wizard

  • Provide the message body configuration, display the process data fields created and populated

K2 Email Wizard

  • Click on Next to advance to the Attachments screen which may be ignored, click on Next again and then on Finish to complete the wizard configuration

K2 Email Wizard

  • Save and deploy the process
  • Assign the necessary permissions on the process in K2 Workspace
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