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Boost the brain power of your digital workers

When artificial intelligence comes together with RPA or low-code automation, remarkable things happen. This form of AI can find patterns in data and make sense of unstructured content – including invoices and emails. This way, you can automate more work and take more complex tasks off your people’s hands.

When you’re ready to amplify automation, we can help you effortlessly embed machine learning into your RPA or low-code framework.


Why Artificial Intelligence?

  • Supersize your automation abilities
  • Build smarter RPA robots
  • Mix with low-code for intelligent automation
  • Make unstructured content machine-friendly
  • Unlock much more value from data
  • Streamline processes end-to-end

Tech that thinks for you

Artificial Intelligence (AI) looks for patterns in huge tracts of data without being told what to look for. This means that you can use machine learning to analyse, make sense of and organise all types of business content with minimal human input. Machine learning also makes standard decisions for you, saving so much effort – and ‘learns’ from experience to improve outcomes time after time.


Accuracy rate for making automated decisions

Our intelligent automation solution for Priority Pass uses machine learning and RPA to process a large volume of black- and white-listing requests daily. We trained an AI model to predict which action should be taken with 99.8% accuracy. Now humans only have to deal with a fraction of requests.

Ways to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your business

Structure data

We use machine learning to extract relevant info from any file or format. This includes invoices, emails, PDFs, photos, scans, social media content and audio recordings.  It can then organise this data into an RPA- and low-code-friendly format – with zero human input.

Support decisions

AI removes simple decision-making from the human workload. It can also help you make complex choices – analysing huge volumes of data, running through possible scenarios and making recommendations or predictions that support faster, smarter decision-making.

Analyse sentiment

With AI, we automatically evaluate sentiment in customer feedback – in surveys and emails, or on social media, for example – and then categorise this as positive, neutral or negative for immediate, relevant action.

Helping people
add more value

Artificial Intelligence can be a daunting concept. But these tools don’t replace people. Rather, they augment human abilities and help people be more productive and complete work faster, with greater confidence.

By stretching automation capabilities, AI also gives people more time to focus on customers and other activities that generate revenue.

Velocity AI helps you to

  • Analyse larger, more complex datasets
  • Deliver faster, more accurate results
  • Guide better decisions and smart actions in real-time
  • Push process speed and efficiency further
  • Extend the automation cycle
  • Power entirely new ways of working
  • Fine-tune processes through continual learning

Why partner with us?

Velocity helps you identify where and how machine learning can enhance automation solutions such as low-code and RPA.

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call on +44(0)1908 738 254