Velocity IT, a leading K2 partner, has launched its benchQA test automation software specifically designed and developed for the K2 platform. benchQA’s easy-to-use interface allows test analysis to rapidly assemble test scripts and cases using its intuitive designer. It helps business analysts and K2 developers to reduce development time, improve developer performance and increase the overall accuracy and stability of any K2 project.
Arno van Rooyen, Managing Director at Velocity IT, says “benchQA gives clients the most important thing in the development process: confidence in their software, delivering projects on time and bug free right from the start.” Andre Smith, a benchQA developer, adds, “We are not just the developers of benchQA but also one of its biggest customers. We know exactly what the needs are of people just like us, building projects just like ours.”
benchQA is fully integrated with K2 SmartForm controls and K2 SmartObject runtime and offers full user impersonation that automatically executes test steps in context with the specified user’s credentials. This results in eliminating discrepancies between what is being tested and the end-user expectations, leading to a more accurate outcome.
A free trial can be downloaded from the product landing page which allows users to experience the software first-hand.
For more information about benchQA visit