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03 May 2023

Top use cases for process automation in the insurance industry

Automation can bring numerous benefits to the insurance sector by streamlining processes, reducing manual work, improving accuracy, and enhancing customer experiences.

There are several areas within the insurance industry where automation can be applied effectively. Some common use cases include: 

  • Claims Processing
  • Policy Underwriting
  • Customer Onboarding
  • Document Management
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Fraud Detection and
  • Customer Service and Support

Claims Processing: Automation can be used to expedite and streamline the claims handling process. Intelligent automation can extract information from claim forms, validate data, and automatically route claims to the appropriate departments for review and settlement.

Policy Underwriting: Automation can assist in evaluating risk factors, performing background checks, and generating quotes or premium calculations based on predefined rules and data analysis. This helps insurers expedite the underwriting process while maintaining consistency and accuracy.

Customer Onboarding: Automation can simplify the customer onboarding process by automatically collecting and verifying customer information, generating policy documents, and initiating necessary background checks or regulatory compliance processes.

Document Management: Insurance companies deal with a vast amount of paperwork, including policy documents, applications, and claims forms. Automation can help in document digitization, classification, and indexing, making it easier to search and retrieve information when needed.

Regulatory Compliance: Compliance requirements in the insurance industry can be complex and time-consuming. Automation can assist in monitoring regulatory changes, updating policies and procedures, and generating reports to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Fraud Detection: Automation, coupled with machine learning algorithms, can analyse historical data, identify patterns, and detect potential fraudulent activities in insurance claims or applications, reducing the risk of financial losses.

Customer Service and Support: Automation can enhance customer service by providing automated responses to frequently asked questions, assisting with policy inquiries, and routing customer inquiries to the appropriate departments or agents.

Lets look at these in a bit more details.

Claims Processing Automation

Claims processing is a critical aspect of the insurance industry, involving the handling, evaluation, and settlement of insurance claims. Automation can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of this process, leading to faster claim settlements and improved customer satisfaction. Here’s how automation can benefit claims processing:

1. Automated Data Extraction: Manual data entry from claim forms is time-consuming and error-prone. Automation can extract relevant data from claim forms using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, eliminating the need for manual input. This not only saves time but also reduces the chances of human errors.

2. Automated Data Validation: Automation can validate the extracted data against predefined rules, ensuring that the information is accurate and complete. For example, the system can check if the claimant’s policy is active, verify coverage limits, and validate the claim amount against policy terms.

3. Automated Intelligent Routing: Based on predefined rules and criteria, automation can intelligently route claims to the appropriate departments or adjusters. This ensures that claims are handled by the right individuals or teams, reducing processing delays and improving efficiency.

4. Automated Fraud Detection: Automation can play a vital role in fraud detection within claims processing. By applying machine learning algorithms to historical claims data, patterns of fraudulent behavior can be identified. This helps insurers flag suspicious claims for further investigation, mitigating the risk of financial losses due to fraudulent activities.

5. Integration with Systems: Automation can integrate with existing insurance systems, such as policy management or customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This enables seamless data exchange and improves the overall claims processing workflow.

6. Automated Notifications: Automation can generate automated notifications and updates to claimants, keeping them informed about the status of their claims. This reduces the need for manual follow-ups and improves transparency, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

7. Analytics and Reporting: Automation can generate real-time analytics and reports on claims processing metrics, such as average processing time, claim settlement ratio, and bottlenecks in the process. These insights enable insurers to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize the claims handling process.

Policy Underwriting Automation

Policy underwriting is a crucial process in the insurance industry that involves evaluating risks, determining premiums, and deciding whether to accept or reject a policy application. Automation can greatly streamline and enhance the efficiency of policy underwriting, benefiting both insurance companies and customers. Here’s how automation can be applied to policy underwriting:

1. Automated Risk Assessment: Automation can assist in evaluating risk factors associated with a policy application. By analysing data from various sources such as customer profiles, historical claims data, and external databases, automation can assess risk levels and provide recommendations to underwriters. This helps underwriters make informed decisions and ensures consistency in risk assessment.

2. Automated Quote Generation: Based on predefined rules and risk assessment results, automation can generate quotes or premium calculations for policy applicants. By automating this process, insurers can provide quicker and more accurate quotes to customers, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

3. Automated Rule-based Underwriting: Automation can apply predefined rules and guidelines to the underwriting process. This ensures consistent decision-making and eliminates the potential for human errors or biases. Underwriting rules can be configured in the automation system to evaluate factors such as age, occupation, medical history, and more.

4. Automated Data Verification: Automation can automatically verify the accuracy of customer-provided information by cross-referencing it with external databases or third-party sources. This helps in detecting any discrepancies or fraudulent information, ensuring the integrity of the underwriting process.

5. Workflow Automation: Automation can streamline the underwriting workflow by automatically assigning tasks, tracking progress, and sending notifications to relevant stakeholders. This ensures a smooth flow of information and efficient collaboration between underwriters, agents, and other involved parties.

6. Integration with Data Sources: Automation can integrate with various data sources, such as credit bureaus, government databases, or medical records, to gather relevant information for underwriting. This enables underwriters to access comprehensive and up-to-date data, resulting in more accurate risk assessments and informed decision-making.

7. Automated Underwriting Decision Support: Automation can provide underwriters with decision support tools and insights. By analysing historical underwriting data and patterns, automation systems can offer recommendations or alerts to underwriters, helping them make more accurate and efficient decisions.

By implementing policy underwriting automation, insurance companies can streamline the underwriting process, reduce manual effort, improve consistency, and accelerate response times. This, in turn, leads to enhanced customer experiences, faster policy issuance, and improved operational efficiency for insurers.

Customer Onboarding Automation

Customer onboarding is a critical process in the insurance industry that involves collecting customer information, verifying identities, and initiating policy coverage. Automation can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of customer onboarding, resulting in a seamless experience for customers and streamlined operations for insurance companies. Here’s how automation can be applied to customer onboarding:

1. Automated Data Collection: Automation can collect customer information through digital forms or online portals. By automating this process, insurers can eliminate the need for manual paperwork and ensure the accuracy and completeness of customer data. Automation can also integrate with external systems to pre-fill forms with existing customer information, making the onboarding process faster and more convenient.

2. Automated Identity Verification: Automation can verify customer identities by integrating with identity verification services or government databases. This helps in preventing identity theft and ensures that policies are issued to legitimate individuals. Automated identity verification can include document scanning, facial recognition, or data validation against official records.

3. Automated Background Checks: Automation can facilitate background checks on customers by integrating with relevant databases or services. This helps insurers assess risk factors associated with the customer, such as their credit history, criminal records, or previous insurance claims. By automating this process, insurers can expedite the onboarding process while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

4. Automated Policy Generation: Automation can generate policy documents and contracts based on customer information and predefined templates. This eliminates the need for manual document creation and reduces the chances of errors or discrepancies. Automated policy generation ensures consistency and allows for faster issuance of policies.

5. Automated Regulatory Compliance: Automation can assist in ensuring regulatory compliance during the onboarding process. By integrating with compliance systems or databases, automation can perform checks and validations to ensure that customers meet the necessary regulatory requirements. This helps insurers avoid penalties and ensures adherence to industry regulations.

6. Automated Notifications and Updates: Automation can automatically send notifications and updates to customers during the onboarding process. This keeps customers informed about the progress of their applications, any additional information required, or policy coverage initiation. Automated notifications enhance transparency and provide a better customer experience.

7. Integration with CRM Systems: Automation can integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) systems to ensure seamless data exchange and improve customer engagement. Customer data collected during the onboarding process can be automatically synced with the CRM system, allowing insurers to have a holistic view of their customers and enabling personalized interactions.

By implementing customer onboarding automation, insurance companies can streamline the process, reduce manual effort, enhance data accuracy, and provide a seamless experience for customers. This leads to faster policy issuance, improved customer satisfaction, and efficient operations for insurers.

Document Management Automation

The insurance industry deals with a large volume of paperwork, including policy documents, applications, claims forms, endorsements, and more. Managing and processing these documents manually can be time-consuming, error-prone, and resource-intensive. Automation can significantly improve document management processes, making it easier to store, organize, retrieve, and process documents efficiently. Here’s how automation can be applied to document management in the insurance industry:

1. Automated Document Digitization: Automation can facilitate the digitization of physical documents by using technologies like optical character recognition (OCR). This allows paper documents to be converted into digital formats, making them easily searchable and accessible. Digitization also reduces physical storage requirements and enables remote access to documents.

2. Automated Document Classification and Indexing: Automation can automatically classify and categorize documents based on their content, such as policy documents, claims forms, or endorsements. By applying machine learning algorithms, automation systems can learn to recognize different document types and assign appropriate tags or metadata. This enables quick and accurate retrieval of documents based on specific criteria.

3. Document Storage and Retrieval: Automation can provide centralized document storage systems, such as document management platforms or cloud storage solutions. Documents can be securely stored, organized, and indexed for easy retrieval. Users can search for documents based on various parameters like customer name, policy number, or document type, saving time and effort.

4. Workflow Automation: Automation can automate document-centric workflows by defining rules and triggers for document routing and approval processes. For example, automation can route policy documents to underwriters for review and approval or claims documents to adjusters for evaluation. This streamlines the workflow, reduces manual intervention, and ensures timely processing.

5. Automated Version Control and Collaboration: Automation can maintain version control of documents, ensuring that the latest versions are accessible and eliminating confusion caused by multiple versions. Additionally, automation can facilitate collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on documents simultaneously, enabling real-time updates and enhancing team productivity.

6. Automated Document Security and Compliance: Automation can enforce security measures to protect sensitive documents and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. It can provide access controls, encryption, and audit trails to track document activities and maintain data integrity. This helps insurers meet regulatory requirements and maintain the confidentiality of customer information.

7.  Automated Document Generation: Automation can generate personalized policy documents, endorsements, or certificates based on predefined templates and customer data. This eliminates manual document creation and reduces errors, ensuring consistency in document formatting and content.

Automated Regulatory Compliance

The insurance industry is subject to numerous regulations and compliance requirements. Automation can help insurance companies ensure compliance with regulatory standards by automating various tasks and processes. Here’s how automation can assist with regulatory compliance

1. Monitoring Regulatory Changes: Automation can track and monitor regulatory changes by integrating with regulatory databases or using web scraping techniques. This allows insurance companies to stay updated on any new regulations or changes that may impact their operations.

2. Automated Policy and Procedure Updates: Automation can facilitate the updating of policies and procedures to align with new regulations. When a regulatory change occurs, automation systems can trigger notifications or workflows to update relevant policies, ensuring compliance across the organization.

3. Automated Compliance Checks and Audits: Automation can automate compliance checks and audits by running predefined checks against policies, procedures, or customer data. This helps identify any compliance gaps or anomalies, allowing companies to take corrective actions promptly.

4. Reporting and Documentation: Automation can generate compliance reports by extracting relevant data from various systems and compiling them into standardized reports. These reports can be automatically generated at defined intervals or triggered by specific events, providing insurers with a comprehensive view of their compliance status.

By implementing automation for regulatory compliance, insurance companies can ensure adherence to industry regulations, reduce compliance risks, and minimize the effort and time required to stay compliant.

Automated Fraud Detection

Fraudulent activities can result in substantial financial losses for insurance companies. Automation, combined with advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms, can help detect and prevent fraud in the insurance industry. Here’s how automation can assist in fraud detection:

1. Pattern Analysis: Automation systems can analyze historical claims data and identify patterns or anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities. By applying machine learning algorithms, the system can learn from past fraud cases and detect similar patterns in new claims.

2. Data Validation: Automation can validate claim data against various sources, such as external databases, social media profiles, or public records, to identify inconsistencies or fraudulent information. This helps in identifying potentially fraudulent claims that require further investigation.

3. Risk Scoring: Automation can assign risk scores to claims based on predefined rules and data analysis. Claims with higher risk scores can be flagged for closer scrutiny, allowing fraud investigators to prioritize their efforts effectively.

4. Real-time Alerts: Automation systems can generate real-time alerts or notifications when suspicious activities or patterns are detected. These alerts can be sent to fraud investigators or relevant departments for immediate action, enabling prompt intervention and minimizing potential losses.

By leveraging automation for fraud detection, insurance companies can improve their fraud detection capabilities, reduce financial losses, and protect their businesses from fraudulent activities.

Customer Service and Support:

Automation can enhance customer service and support in the insurance industry, providing a seamless and personalized experience to policyholders. Here’s how automation can be applied to customer service:

1. Automated Responses: Automation can provide automated responses to frequently asked questions or common customer inquiries. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and chatbot technologies, automation systems can understand customer queries and provide relevant and timely responses, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

2. Policy Inquiries: Automation can assist customers with policy-related inquiries, such as coverage details, policy changes, or premium calculations. By integrating with policy management systems, automation can provide accurate and up-to-date information to customers, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

3. Routing and Escalation: Automation can route customer inquiries or service requests to the appropriate departments or agents based on predefined rules. This ensures that customer inquiries are handled by the right individuals, improving efficiency and reducing response times.

4. Self-Service Portals: service portals empower customers to manage their insurance-related tasks independently, reducing the need for manual assistance and improving customer satisfaction. Through the portal, customers can access their policy documents, make payments, request policy changes, or initiate claims, providing them with convenience and control over their insurance needs.

5. Proactive Notifications: Automation can proactively notify customers about policy renewals, upcoming payments, or important updates. These notifications can be personalized and sent through various channels such as email, SMS, or mobile app notifications, keeping customers informed and engaged.

6. Claims Status Updates: Automation can provide real-time updates on claim statuses to customers. By integrating with claims management systems, automation can inform customers about the progress of their claims, estimated timelines, and any additional information required, enhancing transparency and reducing customer anxiety.

Personalised Offers and Recommendations: Automation can analyse customer data and preferences to generate personalised offers, discounts, or policy recommendations. By understanding customer needs and preferences, automation systems can provide tailored solutions, improving cross-selling and upselling opportunities while enhancing the customer experience.


We explored the use cases for automation in the insurance industry. We discussed three key areas where automation can bring significant benefits, for example, policy underwriting automation, customer onboarding automation, and document management automation.

In policy underwriting, automation helps streamline risk assessment, quote generation, underwriting decision-making, and data verification, resulting in faster and more accurate policy issuance.

For customer onboarding, automation simplifies the collection of customer information, identity verification, policy generation, and compliance checks, leading to a seamless and efficient onboarding process.

In document management, automation enables digitization, classification, storage, retrieval, workflow automation, and enhanced security, revolutionizing the way insurance companies handle paperwork and improving collaboration and compliance.

We also touched upon the role of automation in regulatory compliance, fraud detection, and customer service. Automation aids insurers in staying compliant with regulations, detecting and preventing fraud, and providing personalised customer experiences through automated responses, self-service portals, and proactive notifications.

By embracing automation in the insurance industry, companies can achieve operational efficiency, reduce manual effort, enhance accuracy, and deliver exceptional customer service.

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At Velocity, in collaboration with industry-leading platforms such as UiPath, Mendix, Netcall, Appian, Automation Anywhere, Microsoft Power Platform, Nintex, and Blue Prism, we specialize in assisting insurance and other companies in automating their business processes. We understand the challenges businesses face in streamlining their operations and maximizing efficiency. With our expertise in workflow automation solutions, we deliver a high return on investment and help organizations achieve their automation goals.

If you have insurance processes or any other processes in your business that you wish to automate, we invite you to schedule an obligation-free discovery call with our team. Our experts will assess your needs, provide expert guidance on selecting the right platform(s) from UiPath, Mendix, Netcall, Appian, Automation Anywhere, Microsoft Power Platform, Nintex, and Blue Prism, and explore how our workflow automation solutions can transform your business.

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