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19 Sep 2023

How to use Low-Code to Transition away from Excel

As businesses evolve and demands for real-time collaboration, automation, and scalability increase, there arises a need to explore Excel alternatives that can handle more complex requirements.

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14 Sep 2023

Kickstarting Your HR Automation Journey

HR automation is a transformative approach that modernises human resources operations, allowing companies to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and make better strategic decisions.

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14 Sep 2023

Understanding Task Mining

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to optimise their processes and become more efficient. One emerging technology that has been making waves in this regard is Task Mining. But what exactly is Task Mining,…

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07 Sep 2023

Attended vs. Unattended RPA Robots: How Do I Choose What I Need?

RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, is rapidly revolutionising the way businesses operate. By deploying virtual bots to automate repetitive tasks, companies are achieving increased efficiency and accuracy. But when it comes to choosing between…

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06 Sep 2023

Transform Your Operations Using Ready-Made Nintex Automation Workflow Templates

Pre-packaged and already assembled Nintex Automation templates offer a powerful and efficient entry point into the world of process management, automation, and optimisation.

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05 Sep 2023

Transforming the Future of Insurance with AI-powered Automation

In recent years, the insurance industry has been undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies. These innovations are revolutionising how insurance companies operate, from customer…

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04 Sep 2023

What is Successful Digital Transformation?

With rapidly evolving technologies and consumer expectations, staying ahead of the curve is more than just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity for survival. At the heart of this evolution is digital transformation. But what…

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04 Sep 2023

Unlocking the Full Potential of Generative AI for Business Leaders

Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, has rapidly ascended in recent years. Unlike traditional algorithms that are designed to respond based on pre-defined inputs, generative models can produce entirely new content, from images…

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31 Aug 2023

AI vs. Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been an evolving field since its inception. From rule-based systems to deep learning, AI has undergone significant transitions. Among its latest milestones, the emergence of generative AI stands out.

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30 Aug 2023

Automation in HR: Revolutionising Talent Management

The world of Human Resources (HR) is undergoing a significant transformation. Driven by rapid technological advances, automation in HR has emerged as a pivotal factor in streamlining processes, enhancing candidate experience, and achieving business…

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29 Aug 2023

RPA vs. AI

With the surge of innovative technologies influencing the enterprise domain, two acronyms stand out: RPA and AI. Both Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer revolutionary prospects for businesses, but each possesses…

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28 Aug 2023

How To Digitise Application Forms

In today’s rapidly digitalising world, transforming traditional paper-based processes into digital formats is crucial for businesses. Among these processes, application forms stand out due to their widespread use across various industries. Leveraging low-code platforms…

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25 Aug 2023

Automation in Insurance

The insurance industry, once characterised by vast amounts of paperwork, manual processes, and long processing times, is undergoing a transformation. With the advent of technology and the need for streamlined processes, automation is increasingly…

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24 Aug 2023

The Power of Microsoft Power Automate in Workflow Automation

Efficiency and automation are more than buzzwords in today’s business environment. They are imperatives for businesses looking to remain competitive and agile.

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22 Aug 2023

Upgrade Nintex for Office 365 to Nintex Automation Cloud: Frequently Asked Questions

As you need to upgrade from Nintex for Office 365 to the Nintex Automation Cloud, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to guide you through this required journey.

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21 Aug 2023

Top 10 Use Cases of RPA in HR in 2023

With the rapid advancement of digital technology, businesses are leveraging robotic process automation (RPA) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their HR departments.

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18 Aug 2023

Process Mapping: A Key to Successful Business Automation

In today’s business environment, the need for streamlined operations and improved productivity has never been more crucial. Business automation, through digitising and optimising processes, promises the realisation of these objectives. At the heart of…

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17 Aug 2023

A Quick Guide to Data Mining for Businesses

In the age of information overload, businesses are navigating a landscape flooded with data. Every interaction, transaction, and click generates a digital footprint that, when properly deciphered, holds the key to invaluable insights

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16 Aug 2023

Take RPA to the Next Level with Netcall Liberty RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is rapidly rising to the forefront of enterprise technology solutions. In the expansive digital age, RPA is no longer a novelty—it’s an essential tool. One RPA platform that stands out…

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15 Aug 2023

Top UiPath RPA Use Cases in Finance

The financial sector has been an early adopter of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). UiPath is one of the leaders in the RPA domain, and has made remarkable strides in introducing efficient, scalable, and reliable…

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14 Aug 2023

Using Nintex to Power your Business Automation Journey

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the pursuit of efficiency has been a constant driving force. As organisations grow and adapt to changing market dynamics, the challenge of managing intricate processes, reducing operational costs,…

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11 Aug 2023

Why Process Mapping is Key to Successful Business Process Automation

Businesses are continually seeking ways to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve productivity. Enter Business Process Automation (BPA) – a transformative approach that leverages software and applications to execute repetitive business tasks.

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10 Aug 2023

The Advantages of Low-Code Platforms

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, low-code platforms have emerged as a game-changing solution. Let’s explore the advantages of low-code platforms, and how they enable organisations to streamline development processes, enhance collaboration,…

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09 Aug 2023

Revolutionising Business Processes with Netcall Liberty Create

Agile and efficient business processes are essential for maintaining competitiveness. Businesses are continuously seeking tools that not only automate processes but also provide flexibility and scalability.

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07 Aug 2023

The Future of RPA: Trends and Predictions

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been a significant player in business transformation for several years. This transformative technology enables companies to automate mundane, rules-based business processes, allowing employees to focus more on strategic tasks…

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04 Aug 2023

RPA and UiPath: A Match Made for Business Efficiency

As we tread deeper into the digital age, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a leading force driving business efficiency and productivity.

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03 Aug 2023

Data Mining: The Secret Weapon for Business Growth

Data mining, in essence, is the process of identifying patterns in large datasets using sophisticated algorithms.

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02 Aug 2023

UiPath and the Future of Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a transformative force that is reshaping how businesses operate, and at the forefront of this RPA revolution is UiPath

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01 Aug 2023

Process Mapping: A Crucial Step in Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation (BPA) has become a crucial tool for achieving operational efficiency and improved business performance.

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31 Jul 2023

AI is Adding Value in the Business Process Automation Landscape

Business Process Automation (BPA) is a pivotal component of modern enterprise operations. This technology aids in streamlining and automating routine tasks, thereby increasing productivity, improving accuracy, and freeing up valuable time for employees to…

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28 Jul 2023

The Rise of RPA: How Automation is Transforming Businesses

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to the use of software robots or ‘bots’ to automate routine, rule-based tasks. It is a powerful tool that emulates human interactions with digital systems and automates processes without…

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27 Jul 2023

The Increasing Importance of Low-Code Platforms in Today’s Digital Age

The dawn of the digital age has irreversibly changed our lives. From the way we communicate, shop, learn, work, and relax, everything now spins around digital platforms.

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26 Jul 2023

Why Mendix is a Top Choice for Enterprise Low-Code Development

The low-code movement has made waves by promising a new paradigm that simplifies the development process and accelerates digital transformation. One of the top platforms leading this revolution is Mendix.

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25 Jul 2023

Exploring the Synergy Between Data Mining and Process Automation

The world today stands on the threshold of a profound data revolution, driven by the explosive growth in digital connectivity and the increasingly ubiquitous nature of technology.

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24 Jul 2023

Why AI and RPA are the Dynamic Duo of Business Process Automation

AI has been making headlines recently, rapidly gaining momentum and sparking curiosity about its capabilities. The idea of computers working for us and emulating human intelligence but in a more efficient manner is captivating.

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20 Jul 2023

Business Process Automation: Challenges, Solutions, and the Role of RPA, Low-Code, and AI Technologies

Business Process Automation stands as a critical pillar of operational efficiency and innovation, and the roles of Robotic Process Automation, low-code platforms, and Artificial Intelligence in unlocking its full potential are simply indispensable

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19 Jul 2023

How Mendix is Accelerating Digital Transformation, and Mendix Partner Velocity IT Ensures Project Success

Mendix is a powerful catalyst for digital transformation, and with Velocity as a Mendix Partner, businesses can unlock unprecedented success in their transformation journeys

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18 Jul 2023

Driving Efficiency and Growth with UiPath Robotic Process Automation

The world of automation is evolving at an unparalleled pace, providing enterprises with innovative tools and techniques to digitise their operations, enhance efficiency, and bolster growth

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17 Jul 2023

Utilising Nintex K2 for Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA) has become a powerful tool that can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency.

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14 Jul 2023

The Art and Science of Process Mapping in Business

Understanding your processes is crucial to ensure efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and enhance performance. This is where the art and science of process mapping come into play.

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13 Jul 2023

Understanding Data Mining: The Backbone of Strategic Business Decisions

The era we live in is often called the information age, and for good reason. Never before have we been able to collect, store, and analyse so much data

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12 Jul 2023

Harnessing the Power of AI in Business Process Automation

The current era of technological innovation is providing unprecedented opportunities for businesses to transform their operations

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11 Jul 2023

Demystifying RPA: The Future of Business Process Automation

As the business landscape grows increasingly complex, organisations around the globe are turning to technology to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.

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10 Jul 2023

Unlocking Business Potential with Low-Code Platforms

The digital revolution is transforming industries at an unprecedented pace, compelling businesses of all sizes to harness the power of technology or risk being left behind.

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07 Jul 2023

Shaping the Future of Business Operations with AI, Low-Code, and RPA

Artificial Intelligence (AI), with its ability to mimic human intelligence, analyse complex data, and generate insights, has permeated multiple industries, driving a paradigm shift in the business landscape.

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06 Jul 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) FAQs

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the face of various industries, revolutionising the ways businesses operate and engage with their customers.

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05 Jul 2023

Revolutionising Workflow Management

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business technology, organisations are continuously seeking solutions to streamline operations, reduce overheads, and improve productivity.

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04 Jul 2023

Top Use Cases for ChatGPT

ChatGPT, powered by advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, has emerged as a versatile tool with numerous applications across various industries.

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04 Jul 2023

The Best Use Cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is no longer a buzzword but a transformative technology being widely adopted by organisations across the globe.

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24 May 2023

Optimising Team Task Management through Business Process Automation and Low-Code Workflow Software

In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven business landscape, organisations face the challenge of managing tasks effectively and efficiently while maintaining a high degree of visibility and control.

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24 May 2023

Optimising Collaborative Idea Management: Fostering Innovation and Creativity through Business Process Automation

Innovation and creativity are crucial drivers of success in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. To cultivate an innovative culture, organisations must establish efficient and collaborative idea management processes.

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17 May 2023

Most Popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools in 2023

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has revolutionised the way businesses streamline their operations by automating repetitive tasks. RPA tools have become essential for organisations seeking to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance productivity. As we…

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17 May 2023

Optimising Project Management: Achieving Agility and Quality through Business Process Automation

Effective project management plays a vital role in the success of any organisation. As businesses strive to enhance their operational efficiency, they are turning to innovative technologies such as business process automation (BPA), low-code…

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15 May 2023

Business Process Orchestration: Streamlining Operations for Enhanced Efficiency

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organisations strive to optimise their operations, reduce manual tasks, and enhance overall efficiency. Business process orchestration emerges as a powerful solution to achieve these goals. We will delve into…

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27 Jan 2023

Great News: K2 has a bright future!

Great news for all K2 platform users, partners, and advocates as news officially hit the inbox today! Process automation and workflow software giant, Nintex, has announced that the future of the K2 platform is…

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