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16 August 2023

Take RPA to the Next Level with Netcall Liberty RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is rapidly rising to the forefront of enterprise technology solutions. In the expansive digital age, RPA is no longer a novelty—it’s an essential tool. One RPA platform that stands out is Netcall Liberty RPA.

What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, refers to the use of software robots to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks that were previously performed manually by humans. The benefits of RPA include increased efficiency, reduced errors, and the ability to free up human employees to focus on more value-added activities.

Why Netcall Liberty RPA?

Netcall’s Liberty RPA distinguishes itself as a go-to RPA platform. Netcall brings its rich history of providing innovative low-code solutions to the Liberty platform, this includes now their RPA software offering. Let’s explore why Netcall’s RPA tool is fast becoming the first choice for enterprises worldwide.

Key Features That Set Liberty RPA Apart

  • User-centric Design: Netcall understands that the ultimate success of any tool lies in its usability. Liberty RPA features an intuitive interface, making bot design, deployment, and management easy even for non-tech users.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Designed to cater to both small-scale processes and extensive enterprise-wide applications, Liberty RPA can effortlessly scale as businesses grow. It can adapt to varying demands, ensuring that enterprises remain agile and responsive.
  • Seamless Integration Capabilities: One of the most significant challenges in automation is ensuring various tools and platforms communicate efficiently. Liberty RPA shines in this aspect, providing easy integration with a wide range of systems, from legacy software to modern cloud-based applications.
  • Enhanced Security Protocols: Liberty RPA prioritises security. With robust encryption, role-based access controls, and audit trails, organisations can trust that their data and processes are safeguarded.
  • Advanced Analytics & Reporting: Beyond just automating tasks, Liberty RPA offers actionable insights. With its in-built analytics suite, organisations can not only measure the direct impact of their automations but also glean insights for future strategy, continuous improvement, and performance optimisation.

Driving Digital Transformation with Liberty RPA

Liberty RPA goes beyond the traditional boundaries of RPA. Instead of merely automating tasks, it fosters a low-code ecosystem where digital workflows, human collaboration, and advanced analytics facilitates digital transformation. This holistic approach ensures that the transformation spans the entire breadth of the organisation.

  • Reimagining Customer Experiences: Customer experience can make or break a brand, Liberty RPA accelerates processes, reduces wait times, and ensures accuracy. This means faster response times, personalised interactions, and a higher degree of customer satisfaction.
  • Empowering the Workforce: Rather than displacing employees, Liberty RPA is designed to work alongside them. By taking over mundane and repetitive tasks, it allows human workers to channel their energies towards more strategic, creative, and value-driven tasks. This not only boosts morale but also cultivates a culture of innovation and continuous learning.
  • Operational Excellence: From inventory management in retail to claim processing in insurance, Liberty RPA streamlines operations across sectors. By reducing manual interventions, bottlenecks, and errors, it ensures a smooth, efficient, and agile operational backbone.

Integrating with Advanced Technologies

The true power of Liberty RPA surfaces when it’s integrated with other advanced technologies:

  1. AI and Machine Learning: When combined with Netcall’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities, Liberty RPA can handle more complex, cognitive tasks. From predictive analytics to natural language processing, this synergy allows businesses to automate and optimise even sophisticated processes.
  2. Internet of Things (IoT): As devices get smarter and more interconnected, Liberty RPA can act as the orchestrator, managing data flows, triggering actions based on device feedback, and ensuring seamless inter-device communication.
  3. Blockchain: In industries where data integrity and security are paramount, integrating Liberty RPA with blockchain technology can automate and secure processes like contract validation, transaction authentication, and supply chain verification.


In an ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses must not only adapt to the present but also anticipate the future. Liberty RPA consistently evolves to ensure compatibility with the latest technological advancements, making it a future-proof platform. Whether it’s embracing AI capabilities or adapting to new regulations, with Netcall, you’ll have ease of mind.

Start your transformation journey with Netcall Liberty Robotic Process Automation, supported by Velocity IT – your experienced Netcall Liberty RPA partner.

With our in-depth knowledge of Netcall Liberty RPA and a history of successful implementations, we will automate your processes and fast-track your business’s scalability

Connect with Velocity IT today and excel your business forward with Netcall Liberty RPA.

Need a Netcall Liberty RPA partner to guide you to RPA success?

Contact our team of Netcall Liberty RPA experts today to begin Netcall RPA Partner journey with us.