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20 September 2017

Velocity IT Hosts Digital Transformation Event In Partnership With K2

Yesterday Velocity IT, in collaboration with K2, hosted an exclusive event on the theme of digital transformation at the Soho Hotel in London. The afternoon was split into a series of talks by Velocity IT’s founder and CEO, Arno van Rooyen, K2’s VP EMEA, Andrew Murphy, and special guest Clarence Dixon, Global Head of Loan Services at CBRE, the world’s leading real estate company.

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The topics covered gave guests insight into what Digital Transformation means for businesses looking to change the status-quo, and touched upon methods and attitudes that would help kick-start an organisation’s journey toward true Digital Transformation. Clarence Dixon discussed how the CBRE journey toward embracing digital technology benefited primarily its high-value customers, and ultimately the company itself.

The talks were followed by canapes and networking, giving guests the opportunity to share their experiences with people from a range of sectors and at various stages of Digital Transformation. Velocity IT offered all attendees the possibility to schedule a complimentary Digital Transformation roadmap session, which was well received by those interested in kick-starting their journey.

A Kick-Start Your Digital Transformation Journey webinar will be held on the 11th October, which will give those who were unable to attend yesterday’s event the chance to learn more about how to embark on the transformation journey. To register your interest, please click here.

Learn more about Velocity IT here

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