Why SmartForms make developers more productive
SmartForms don’t put developers out of work, it makes them more productive.
I have a technical development background, and building software solutions is my passion. I were always fascinated by computers from an early age, and I always knew programming was my forte. Over the years, development tools and languages have evolved drastically – each time making application development quicker and easier. But it always involved writing code – more critically, code that felt like it had been written before, sometimes over and over again. Obviously, software patters and practices encourages us developers to reuse code and to modularise where possible, but this has always been a challenge, especially for user interface code. With the advent of process driven applications, rapid creation of apps generally meant using a tool that can rapidly build a complex user interface.
K2 Automated Testing Software
rnBenchQA allows full test automation of K2, including fully automated K2 SmartForms and K2 Workflow testing. It promotes test driven development for K2 and ensures continued quality assurance for K2 solutions. Easily apply changes to test cases to accommodate changes to K2 apps and ensure all apps are regression tested to avoid defects and assure continuous quality.
So K2 SmartForms – what is the big deal?
Well, it is more about configuring and less about development. So if the needs or requirements change, the configuration can be changed to reflect this. This is where K2 did a brilliant job with SmartForms. It has exactly the right amount of flexibility to build virtually any type of application, but the no-code design time is not too complex. The added value is the seamless integration with the K2 blackpearl workflow engine, so you can truly build mind blowing applications quicker than any conventional method – seriously, ask our customers. So, should this new way of configuring apps scare developers away? No, in contrary, developers should feel more empowered by this new development paradigm. Real productivity is at the order of the day now, and IT will now be seen as the department that truly delivers quality software, accurately and on time.
I genuinely feel liberated by the K2 SmartForms technology. I can now, with confidence, talk to business stakeholders and give them development timescales that are both acceptable and at a cost that makes sense to the business.
K2 SmartForms is a truly powerful technology to rapidly build business apps, and I can’t wait to be part of the transformation and productivity gains it will provide to our present and future customers.
Velocity IT is a premier K2 partner. We are the most experienced in the UK, and one of the most experienced in the world with K2. We work closely with K2 on major K2 implementations and help customers globally transform their business by correctly applying K2 using our experience and expertise.