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05 October 2014

List Data does not load for K2 Appit Workflow state

K2 Appit conveniently integrates workflow action controls into SharePoint edit list item forms.

If, however, you don’t want to use this out-of-box K2 Appit feature and want to create your own action controls, you can select the “configure later option”

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list data appit workflow

K2 Appit – Configure Workflow actions later

For some reason, this breaks the automatic association between the worklist item and the list item.  The link is the list item’s ID field.  When loading the worklist item, the SmartForm does not load and display the list item’s data.

K2 Appit - List Item Data not loading for Workflow View

K2 Appit – List Item Data not loading for Workflow View

The fix is easy.  Because the ID parameter already exists in the K2 SmartForm, you simply need to map it in the K2 Appit workflow designer.

K2 Appit - Map List Id to Edit Form Parameter

K2 Appit – Map List Id to Edit Form Parameter

When the worklist item now loads, the ID is visible in the querystring and the edit list SmartForm loads the data!

K2 Appit - List Item Data now loading for Workflow View

K2 Appit – List Item Data now loading for Workflow View

Notice, the K2 Appit actions control is not visible.  I have decided to implement the functionality using buttons.  If you attempt the same and find that the SmartForm data does not load, remember to check that the list item’s ID is mapped to the SmartForm ID parameter.

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