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23 April 2015

K2 Workflow Event Wizards: Drawing on the designer

The K2 Workflow has a couple of nifty features built in to the K2 Workflow Designer. Today we’ll have a look at shortcuts to performing some of the features, using the drawing ability.

With the K2 Workflow Designer open, hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse in any shape you wish. You will notice that a black line is drawn onto the K2 Workflow Designer surface.

K2 Workflow Event - Figure 1 - Drawing on the K2 Designer surface

Figure 1 – Drawing on the K2 Designer surface

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There are a couple of patterns that the K2 Workflow Designer is able to recognize when drawn onto the surface. One of these patterns, used to create a new default activity, is drawn in the shape of an “S”.

Hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse in an “S” shape. Once you have completed the “S”. Let go of the mouse button. You’ll notice that a new Default Activity has been placed onto the K2 Workflow Designer surface.

Figure 2 - The S shape

Figure 2 – The S shape

Figure 3 - New Default Activity

Figure 3 – New Default Activity

The ability to draw recognizable patterns makes for less time spent finding the right tool.

The next pattern is a very straight forward pattern to join two objects on the K2 Workflow Designer surface.

With two objects available, hold down the right mouse button and draw a line between the two objects.

Figure 4 - Drawing a line between objects

Figure 4 – Drawing a line between objects

Now let go of the right mouse button to reveal a new connection between the two objects.

Figure 5 - A new line is formed between two objects

Figure 5 – A new line is formed between two objects

Using these patterns can save a lot of time once it becomes second nature to use them, and they’re quite fun to use as well.

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