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Combining the power of Nintex Botflows and Workflows

Tackle any business problem with Nintex workflow automation + Nintex RPA


  • To serve consumers and keep employees productive in a world where travel and physical interaction is limited, organisations will have no choice but to accelerate the digitization of customer experiences and business processes in 2021.
  • For example:
    • Forrester reports that: “We’ve expanded the universe of possibilities. We did things that once seemed impossible (for example, the entire Italian public-sector workforce went from nearly 100% onsite to 100% remote working in a matter of days), because we had no choice.”
    • Gartner reports that “COVID-19 caused 7 of 10 boards of directors to accelerate digital business”.
    • More than a third (37%) of employees in the US surveyed by Nintex want their companies to adopt automation software to make them even more productive. AND: 55% of Gen Z respondents listed automation software as the top thing that would make them more productive at work.
  • Moves to automation and remote workforce support will continue to accelerate in 2021 – and it’s time to speed up digital transformation with technology approaches that break through traditional process optimisation boundaries.
  • It’s also necessary to simplify work and make processes as agile as possible, so that your business is prepared for future disruption and crises. Achieving simplicity means identifying the fastest and most efficient way of getting the work done – and this often means combining more than one technology capability. 

Key Message:

  • You can now combine Low-Code Automated Workflows with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for the ultimate automation toolset – that’s end-to-end, fully integrated and user-friendly.   
  • With the recent introduction of Nintex Gateway, your automated workflows can now delegate tasks to an RPA bot that can interact with applications, systems, services, and websites using the same screens as human workers.
  • That means less work is assigned back to human workers; and organisations can leverage cloud workflow capabilities while protecting on-premises investments.
  • Being able to call in RPA capabilities with ease means you are no longer limited by legacy systems. Organizations often want their workflows to include connectivity to on-premises applications like SQL server, legacy applications, or to interact with applications that have limited API functionality. Even in cases where the API is fairly robust, it could be challenging to work through various screens to retrieve the target data from within an application. RPA overcomes this issue by being able to access legacy systems without the need for an API integration development project. Data is extracted quickly and easily from your legacy systems. The result? Automation solutions are quicker to build, delivering value to the business faster and easing the IT burden. Also, you’re not limited in what data / which systems you involve in your streamlined, automated processes.  

Issues to potentially discuss:

  • Use the right tool at the right time:
    • In determining when to use automated workflows and when to turn to RPA, it is important to understand how they work together to improve process efficiency and effectiveness.
    • RPA can perform similar actions as human workers, working non-stop at higher speeds, without errors, by mimicking the same mouse clicks and keystrokes performed by humans. It is ideal for a wide variety of common business tasks including: Copying and pasting data from one system to another, Opening emails and attachments, Performing calculations, Gathering data from websites and documents for other systems to use, and so forth.
  • This this bad news for human workers?
    • Reducing human involvement in processes does minimise the risk of error and allow you to scale up work without increasing headcount…
    • BUT it’s about more than simply cutting humans out of the picture. A more visionary approach to automation is to view human resources as valuable assets – and using Botflows + Workflows to empower people to focus on the more important, strategic and complex work.
    • When humans and digital workers collaborate and support each other, it creates a much more productive workplace and a more fulfilling work life for people (who are less burdened with monotonous, repetitive, dull tasks that tie up their time and prevent them from focusing on more fulfilling areas of their roles).

If there’s time, you could also bring this in….

How does Nintex overcome the challenges of traditional RPA?

  • Lower TCO, higher transparency:
    • On many traditional RPA platforms, you have to pay extra for the functionality to manage bots (the “orchestrator”), training and support, and implementation services.
    • To address these issues, Nintex offers an RPA solution with a single annual fee that includes all of the applications, bot resources, and tools necessary to ensure you’re successful. For example, Nintex RPA Central allows you to centrally control and orchestrate your workforce of Nintex RPA bots. And on top of that, Nintex provides highly reactive phone support along with ongoing live training for all users.
  • Democratised RPA:
    • Rather than relying on a highly skilled and expensive IT specialist to get your RPA solutions off the ground, Nintex RPA has been designed so that it can be used effectively by both non-technical operations staff while still being powerful enough to satisfy IT needs.
    • With Nintex RPA’s intuitive visual drag & drop tools, more workers are able to introduce efficiencies across the organisation, rather than being limited to a few skilled programmers.
  • Drive rapid results:
    • High TCO combined with a high reliance on specialist skills can make the ROI of your traditional RPA project elusive.
    • With Nintex, on the other hand, you have a tool powerful enough to tackle enterprise–level challenges yet easy enough to implement so that SMEs can build out the processes themselves – leading to success faster.